
The curriculum is directed primarily at students of the study programmes International Cultural and Business Studies and Development Studies.

Our main research interests are:
- Development politics and political aspects of international development (here especially the developments in Thailand and Myanmar, as well as the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative).
- Digital communication, social media, democratisation and de-democratisation processes
- The state and statehood in the Global South (welfare state, health care, law and development)
Heike Wahsner
Phone: +49 851 509-5145
Fax: +49 851 509-2942
Please always include the following information with email inquiries:
- Matriculation number!
- No. of the lecture in StudIP
- No. of the exam (PNR)
- Which semester is the request about?
- Regular or Erasmus student?
Consultation Hours and Contact
Office Hours of Professor Schaffar:
Only by Appointment via StudIP
Please always cancel agreed appointments in good time if you are unable to attend!