
As a replacement for the German Congress of Geography, which has been postponed to 2023, the virtual event #GeoWoche2021 will take place for the entire geographic community from October 5th to 9th 2021. This event is based on certain program points of an analog congress, although it cannot - and does not want to - be a complete digital replication of the analog conference model.
There is a central program part, organized by the DGfG and its sub-associations, as well as a decentralized program part, which gives you the chance to set your own priorities. In the program overview you will find all events of the week, as well as the corresponding abstracts.
The #GeoWoche2021 offers space for new, unconventional formats, which not only offer the professional audience the opportunity for exchange, but also aim to facilitate access to geographical topics for an interested public.
Donation Appeal
The participation at #GeoWoche2021 is free of charge. However, we encourage you to make a donation instead of a participation fee. We have selected a few projects of which we are sure that they would be worth supporting. We would be very pleased if you donate to one of these projects. For more information about the fundraiser, please visit www.betterplace.org/de/fundraising-events/38507-kostenlose-anmeldung-geowoche2021-spendenaktion.