Dr. Sabine Volk
Dr. Sabine Volk

- 2024/25: Forschungsstipendium des Freistaates Bayern
- seit 2022: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Politikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Vergleichende Regierungslehre (Prof. Dr. Lars Rensmann), Universität Passau
- seit 2022: Mitarbeiterin im Horizon Europe-Projekt Rebuilding Governance and Resilience out of the Pandemic (REGROUP)
- seit 2021: Mitarbeiterin im Projekt Now-Time, Us-Space: Hegemonic Mobilisations in Central and Eastern Europe (NTUS) & Fellow am Helsinki Hub on Emotions, Populism and Polarisation (HEPP), Universität Helsinki
Frühere wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit & Gastaufenthalte
- 2024: Gastaufenthalt am Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX), Universität Oslo
- 2022: Gastaufenthalt am Hub for Emotions, Populism and Polarization (HEPP), Universität Helsinki
- 2022: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit im Horizon 2020-Projekt Populist Rebellion Against Modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: Neo-traditionalism and Neo-feudalism (POPREBEL)
- 2021: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit im EU-geförderten Projekt Proscribed Right-wing Extremist Organizations (PREO)“
- 2019-2020: Gastaufenthalt am Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie (MIDEM), Technische Universität Dresden
- 2018-2022: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow im Horizon 2020-Projekt Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe: Responding to the Rise of Illiberalism/Populism (FATIGUE)
2024: PhD in Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft, Fakultät für Politische und Internationale Studien, Jagiellonen Universität Krakau (distinction)
Forschungsaufenthalte in Dresden, Helsinki, Oslo
2018: MA in European Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Europe (excellent)
Studienreisen nach Kosovo, Nordmazedonien, Serbien, Ukraine
2017: MA in Erasmus Mundus Programme of Excellence: Euroculture, Universitäten Groningen und Straßburg (distinction)
Auslandssemester an der Universität Indianapolis
2015: BA in Allgemeiner Rhetorik und Medienwissenschaft, Univerität Tübingen (1,1)
Auslandssemester an der Universität Cádiz
2011: Abitur an der Theodor Heuss Schule Pinneberg (1,0)
Auslandsjahr am Lycée Louis Pasteur Avignon
- seit 2023: Rubrik "ipb beobachtet" im Forschungsjournal für Soziale Bewegungen (FJSB)
- Olivas Osuna, J., Prentoulis, M., & Volk, S. (forthcoming). Populism and the Border: Theoretically and Empirically Dissecting Strategies of Exclusion and the Recreation of Identities. https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/50741/populism-and-the-border-theoretically-and-empirically-dissecting-strategies-of-exclusion-and-the-recreation-of-identities
- Volk, S. & Ivanov, D. (forthcoming). Delayed Transformational Fatigue? An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Rise of Populism and Illiberalism in Central and Eastern Europe. Introduction to a Special Issue in East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures.
- van der Waal, M., Van Weyenberg, A., & Volk, S. (2022). Introduction: Heritage and the Making of ‘Europe.’ Journal of European Studies, 52(3–4), 163–169.
Artikel in internationalen Fachjournalen
- Weisskircher, M. & Volk, S. (2025). The People against the Sun? Ideology and Strategy in Far-Right Climate Obstruction of Solar Energy. Environmental Politics. Online first: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09644016.2025.2458380
- Volk, S. (2025). Rallying 'round the Drag: Anti-gender Mobilization and the Mainstreaming of the Far Right. European Societies. Online first: https://direct.mit.edu/euso/article/doi/10.1162/euso_a_00009/125831.
- Volk, S. & Weisskircher, M. (2024). Defending Democracy Against the ‘Corona dictatorship’? Far-right PEGIDA During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Social Movement Studies, 23(6), 719-737.
- Volk, S. (2023). Resisting ‘Leftist Dictatorship’? Memory Politics and Collective Action Framing in Populist Far-right Street Protest, European Politics and Society, 24(5), 535-551.
- Volk, S. (2022). Far-right Digital Activism During and Beyond the Pandemic: A Patchwork Ethnographic Approach. Ethnologia Polona, 43, 101– 116.
- Volk, S. (2022). Explaining PEGIDA’s ‘Strange Survival’: An Ethnographic Approach to Far-right Protest Rituals, Political Research Exchange, 4(1).
- Volk, S. (2022). Conceptualizing Europe from the Far Right: The Mobilization of Intellectual Heritage in Germany, Journal of European Studies, 52(3-4), 238-254.
- Volk, S. (2022). Patriotic History in Postcolonial Germany, Thirty Years after “Reunification”, Journal of Genocide Research, 24(2), 276-287.
- Volk, S. (2021). Political Performances of Control During COVID-19: Controlling and Contesting Democracy in Germany, Frontiers in Political Science: Comparative Governance.
- Volk, S. (2021). Die rechtspopulistische PEGIDA in der COVID-19-Pandemie. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 34(2), 235-248.
- Volk, S. (2020). “Wir sind das Volk!” Representative Claim-making and Populist Style in the PEGIDA Movement’s Discourse, German Politics, 29(4), 599–616.
- Volk, S. (2019). Speaking for “the European People”? How the Transnational Alliance Fortress Europe Constructs a Populist Counter-narrative to European Integration, Politique Européenne, 66, 120–149.
Kapitel in Sammelbänden
- Volk, S. (2024). Oltre il mito del leader carismatico, in: Capire il populismo, hrsg. M. Zulianello & P. Guasti, 111–12. UTET Università.
- Volk, S. (2024). Fractured Memory Regimes and Populist Far-right Mnemonic Warriors in Germany and Poland, Thirty Years After the Democratic Transformation, in: Erinnerung des Umbruchs, Umbruch der Erinnerung. Die Nachwendezeit im deutschen und ostmitteleuropäischen Gedächtnis, hrsg. H. Haag & T. Hillmar, 205-223. Springer VS.
- Volk, S. (2023). Rechtsaußen-Akteure und der russische Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine: Außenpolitische Differenzen?, in Jahrbuch Extremismus und Demokratie, hrsg. U. Backes, A. Gallus, E. Jesse & T. Thieme, 161-173. Nomos.
- Volk, S. & Weisskircher, M. (2023). The Importance of Subnational Strongholds for the Far Right: The East-West Divide in Germany, in The Routledge Handbook of Far-Right Extremism in Europe, hrsg. K. Kondor & M. Littler. Routledge.
- Volk, S. & Weisskircher, M. (2023). Far-right PEGIDA: Non-violent Protest and the Blurred Lines Between the Radical and Extreme Right, in The Routledge Handbook on Non-violent Extremism, hrsg. W. Allchorn & E. Orofino. Routledge.
- Volk, S. (2023). Patriotic History in Postcolonial Germany, Thirty Years after “Reunification”, in Patriotic History and the (Re)Nationalization of Memory, hrsg. K. Kończal & D. Moses. 121-132. Routledge.
- Volk, S. (2022). Contested Memories of the East German Peaceful Revolution: Appeals to 1989 by the Populist PEGIDA Movement, in Contested Legacies of 1989: Geopolitics, Memories and Societies in Central and Eastern Europe, hrsg. N. Maslowski & K. Torbicka, 117-134. Peter Lang.
- Volk, S. (2021). Germany: Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Weakening the Far Right?, in Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right: Scapegoating, Conspiracy Theories and New Narratives, hrsg. T. Bar-On & B. Molas, 57-60. Ibidem.
- Volk, S. (2020). ‘No borders, no nations’ or ‘Fortress Europe’? How European citizens remake European borders, in European Studies and Europe: Twenty Years of Euroculture, hrsg. J. de Jong, M. Neuman, S. Stanivukovic-Neuman & M. van der Waal, 77-92. Göttingen University Press.
- Volk, S. (2024). Grundlagen für die Gegenwart (Besprechung von D. Ruchts Soziale Bewegungen und Kollektive Proteste. Eine Grundlegung), Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 37(4): 606-610.
- Volk, S. (2023). K. Braddock: Weaponized Words: The Strategic Role of Persuasion in Violent Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2023.2195069.
- Volk, S. (2022). L. Bustikova: Extreme Reactions: Radical Right Mobilization in Eastern Europe, Nationalities Papers, 51(3): 492-494.
- Volk, S. (2022). R. Havertz: Radical Right Populism in Germany: AfD, Pegida, and the Identitarian Movement, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 30(3): 588-590.
- Volk, S. (2022). Populism’s Social Acceptability in Western Europe: Memory Matters (Besprechung von L. Manuccis Populism and Collective Memory: Comparing Fascist Legacies in Western Europe), European Political Science, 21: 485–487.
Europa & Europäische Union
Soziale Bewegungen