Diplom-Kulturwirt Stefan Krottenthaler
Research Assistant
Chair of Physical Geography with a focus on Human-Environment Research
Room NK 512
Innstraße 40
94032 Passau
Tel.: +49 851/509-2726
Office hours by arrangement
Macieira, Locosselli, Buckeridge, Jardime, Krottenthaler, Anhuf, Helle, Cuzzuol, Ceccantini (2021):Will climate change shift carbon allocation and stem hydraulics? Insights on a systemic view of carbon- and water-related wood traits in an anysohydric tropical tree species (Hymenaea courbaril, Leguminosae). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X21004635#m0005 Ecological Indicators
Locosselli, Brienen, Souza Leite,Gloor,Krottenthaler, de Oliveira, n Barichivich, Anhuf, Ceccantini, Schöngart, Buckeridg (2020) : Global tree-ring analysis reveals rapid decrease in tropical tree longevity with temperature. PNAS
Locosselli, G.; Krottenthaler , S.; Pitsch, P.; Anhuf, D.; Ceccantini, G. (2019) Impact of temperature on the growth of a Neotropical tree species (Hymenaea courbaril, Fabaceae) at its southern distribution limit. International Journal of Biometeorology
Godoy‑Veiga, M., Ceccantini, G.; Pitsch, P. ; Krottenthaler, S.; Anhuf, D.; Locosselli, G. (2018).Shadows of the edge effects for tropical emergent trees: the impactof lianas on the growth of Aspidosperma polyneuron. Trees
KROTTENTHALER, S. (2017): Der brasilianische Soja-Mais-Komplex im globalen Kontext: Genese, Akteure und Räume. In: ANHUF, D. (Hrsg.): Brasilien - Herausforderungen der neuen Supermacht des Südens. Passauer Kontaktstudium Geographie 14.
Pitsch, P.; Krottenthaler, S.; Locosselli, G.; Altman, J.; Neuwirth, B.; Ceccantini, G. (2017). On the suitability of Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze for dendroclimatic studies: the problem of chronology building and trends in lifetime growth trajectories. Erdkunde Vol 2(1) 45-57
Locosselli, G.; Krottenthaler, S.; Pitsch, P.; Anhuf, D.; Ceccantini, G. (2017). Age and growth rate of congeneric tree species (Hymenaea spp. - Leguminosae) inhabiting different tropical biomes. Erdkunde Vol 2(1) 45-57
KROTTENTHALER, STEFAN ; PITSCH, PHILIPP ; HELLE, GERD ; Locosselli, Giuliano Maselli ; CECCANTINI, Gregório ; ALTMAN, JAN ; SVOBODA, MIROSLAV ; DOLEZAL, JIRI ; SCHLESER, GERHARD ; ANHUF, DIETER . A power-driven increment borer for sampling high-density tropical wood. Dendrochronologia (Verona), v. 0000, p. 000/000, 2015.
AK Klima: A tool for detecting the on- and off- set of the rainy season, heat and dry spells, climate parameter threshold, calculation of ETo and their interactions with Sea Surface Temperatures - A first test with data from Ixtepec/Mexico