
Courses in the core areas of culture and modern development of Southeast Asia form part of the corresponding modules or module groups of bachelor and master’s level degree programs in International Cultural and Business Studies and the in master’s program Development Studies.

Current research and teaching focuses on the following specialist areas:
- Social-ecological research: towards sustainable society-nature relations
- Institutional analysis
- Gender inequality and feminist political ecology

Professor Martina Padmanabhan can be contacted through members of her team.
Contact details, open office hours and research areas of individual staff members are shown here. The Chair profile is shown here.
Secretary's office
Phone: 0851 / 509 - 5099
Email: sekretariat.padmanabhan@uni-passau.de
Attention: The secretariat is only open Monday - Thursday, 09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Please always include the following information with email inquiries:
- Matriculation number!
- No. of the lecture in StudIP
- No. of the exam (PNR)
- Which semester is the request about?
- Regular or Erasmus student?
Consultation hours and contact
Office hours of Professor Padmanabhan:
Only by appointment via StudIP.
Please always cancel agreed appointments in time in case of non-compliance!
Please always include the following information with email inquiries:
- Matriculation number!
- No. of the lecture in StudIP
- No. of the exam (PNR)
- Which semester is the request about?
- Are you regular or Erasmus student?
Further contact details of the chair team.