- 18.04.2024 Milena Magerl, Dr. Robert Dyckerho Foundation:
"Dr. Robert Dyckerhoff Foundation: Foundation Work, Educational Projects, and Volunteering in Northern Thailand." - 25.04.2024 Dr. Prathiwi Widyatmi Putri, University of Kassel:
"Conflict and Coproduction in Spatial Development and Planning: Dancing with Margaret Archer and Elinor Ostrom." - 02.05.2024 Adityo Darmawan Sudagung, Doctoral candidate, University of Vienna, Austria & Assistant Professor, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia:
"Remembering Tampun Juah and Konfrontasi at the Borderlands of Indonesia and Malaysia." - 16.05.2024 Dr. Anke Frank, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Teresa Cochrane, University of Oxford, UK & Charles
Sturt University, Australia
Bec Beutel, MPhil candidate, University of Oxford, UK
Merinda Walters, GHD Pty Ltd, Australia:
"Cooperations between Australian First Nations Peoples and Western Scientists Using a Right-Way Science Approach." - 23.05.2024 Franziska Jäckel, Doctoral candidate, Junior Research Group Bioeconomy Economics, University of Passau:
"Innovation and Challenges in the Global Bioeconomy: A Case Study of Ghana’s Emerging Tropical Fruits Value Web." - 06.06.2024 Nymphmary Santiago, Doctoral candidate, Junior Research Group Bioeconomy Economics, University of Passau:
"Understanding the Bioeconomy Transition in Agricultural Value Chains: Evidence from the Philippines." - 13.06.2024 Dr. Patrick Keilbart, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main:
"Mangkunegaran and the Media: Javanese Cultural Modernization in the Social Media Age." - 20.06.2024 Prof. Dr. Johannes Jütting, OECD/Paris 21 and University of Passau:
"Is Classical Development Aid Dead?" - 27.06.2024 Gremary Aza, Doctoral candidate, Junior Research Group Bioeconomy Economics, University of Passau:
"Governance of the Emerging Pineapple Bioeconomy and Implementation of Innovations in Costa Rica." - 04.07.2024 Dr. Friederike Trotier, University of Passau:
"Discovering Indonesian Urbanism: A Student Excursion to Yogyakarta, Solo and Semarang." - 11.07.2024 Dr. Nguyễn Nữ Nguyệt Anh, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City (VNU – HCM):
"International Migration in Vietnam: Determinants, Migration Patterns, and Resettlement Strategies." - 18.07.2024 Chair of Development Politics, Chair of Critical Development Studies, Chair of Development Economics, University of Passau:
"MA Development Studies: Awarding Three Exceptional MA Theses and Graduation Ceremony."
- 19.10.2023 Jonas Deusch & Arunima Singh; Innovation Accelerator of the World Food Programme of the United Nations, Munich:
"Hope for the Future, Inspired by Innovation: Solving the World Food Crisis." - 26.10.2023 Edna Kobbinah & Peter Kemper, Discover Brama, Ghana:
"The Discover Brama Project: Empowering Rural Communities through Education and Sustainable Tourism." - 02.11.2023 Prof. Dr. Rosalba Icaza, Professor of Global Politics, Feminisms and Decoloniality, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute of Social Studies:
"Decolonial Feminist Horizons beyond Development" - 09.11.2023 Dr. Petra Redel, Graduate Centre, University of Passau:
"Getting Started with a Doctoral Degree" - 16.11.2023 Enid Still, University of Passau:
"‘Medicines are not helping us they are eating us’: Exploring Visceral Relations in Organic Farming Collectives in Tamil Nadu, India" - 23.11.2023 Dr. cand. Mirjam Le & Franziska Nicolaison, University of Passau:
"Exploring Vietnamese Perspectives on Heritage, Memories and Belonging: A Multifaceted Approach" - 30.11.2023 CDr. João De Deus Vidal Júnior, Humboldt Fellow, University of Passau:
"Climate-driven Loss of Plant Diversity in African Mountains" - 07.12.2023 Mahendranath Sudhindranath, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
India & RWTH Aachen University:
"Achieving Food Security through Backwater Reclamation in a Princely State in Colonial India,1880-1947" - 14.12.2023 Wiebke Dörfler & Olga Schloss, Bavarian-Indian Centre for Business and University Cooperation (BayIND):
"India: Why, How, What? Insights into the Research Landscape and Exchange with the World‘s Largest Democracy" - 18.01.2024 Prof. Dr. Flurina Schneider & Tobias Buser ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Frankfurt/M. & Global Alliance for Inter-and Transdisciplinarity, Bern:
"Transdisciplinary Research in Asia, Latin America and Africa: Does Context Matter?" - 25.01.2024 Swantje Heiser-Cahyono, Southeast Asian Studies, University of Frankfurt/M.:
"Gender Relations in Indonesian Romantic Comedy Films" - 01.02.2024 Dr. Penpisoot Maitrarat, Massey University/NZ & Mahasarakham University Thailand:
Influences of Coloniality on a Non-Colonised Country: What Happened to Thai Higher Education and How was it Possible? - 08.02.2024 Prof. Dr. Andreas Eberth, University of Passau:
Methodological Reflections on Photo Voice from the Perspectives of Postcolonial Critique
- 27.04.2023 Mirjam Le, University of Passau:
"The Peri-Urban City: Cargo Cult Urbanism, Porosity and an Emerging Urban Citizenship in Vietnamese Secondary Cities." - 04.05.2023 Florian Reinold, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin:
"The German Political Foundations: Unique Instruments for National Democracy Building and International Development Work." - 10.05.2023 Felix Wemheuer, University of Cologne:
"China and the War in Ukraine" - 25.05.2023 Swathi Manalodiparambil, Central European University (CEU), Vienna:
"Conserving by Tilling: Landless Laborers and Agrobiodiversity Conservation in Wayanad, India" - 15.06.2023 Simon Rowedder, University of Passau:
"Cross-Border Traders in Northern Laos: Mastering Smallness" - 26.01.2023 Solomon Addisu, Habtamu Assaye;
Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
Halimu Shauri, Maarifa Mwakumanya;
Pwani University, Kenya
Marianne Maghenda; Taita Taveta University, Kenya
Maria Fungomeli; National Museums of Kenya,
Coastal Forests Conservation Unit, Kilifi, Kenya (in cooperation with the Chair of Physical Geography with a focus on Human-Environment Research, Prof. Dr. Christine Schmitt):
"Cultural Traditions and Biodiversity Conservation: Insights from Ethopia and Kenya." - 22.06.2023 Christina Sathyamala, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague:
"Stepping Stones into Thamirabarani River in South India: A Feminist Political Ecology Inquiry" - 29.06.2023 Paul S. Ciccantell, Western Michigan University (in cooperation with the Professorship for American Studies/Cultural and Media Studies, Prof. Dr. Karsten Fitz):
"Energy Raw Materials, Energy Transitions, and Geopolitics" - 06.07.2023 Aum Neko, Paris:
"Social Movements through the Lens of Intersectional Feminism: from Thailand to World Politics" - 13.07.2023 Panitda Saiyarod, University of Cologne:
"Retrofitting the Mekong River: Community-Based Environmental Response to Chinese Transnational Infrastructure in a Thai Border Town" - 20.07.2023 Wolfram Schaffar, University of Passau:
"Law and Development in Bhutan – The Jingme Shingye Wangchuk School of Law"
- 10.11.2022 Su Mon San, ZEF and Bonn University:
"Is development and a sustainable land use on the agricultural frontier possible through agroforestry-based community forestry? A study in Myanmar." - 17.11.2022 Prof. Khayaat Fakier, Institute of Social Sciences Den Haag:
"Caring Connections told through four stories." - 24.11.2022 Fausto Ignatov, Rachel Carson Centre and LMU:
"Reciprocal Shaping or Conditioning? Debating the Materiality and Discourse of Natural Resources in Ecuadorian Development Policies" - 01.12.2022 Dr. Paulina Trejo Mendez, Bonn University:
"Rethinking methodology: Decolonial methodological approaches in development studies." - 15.12.2022 Huiying Ng, Rachel Carson Centre and LMU:
"Soil as a body of work in Thailand and beyond: reading land/thidin futures through an agroecological learning assemblage." - 26.01.2023 Dr. Atakan Büke, Leibzig University:
"Digitalization of the Agrarian Question in the 21st Century: Insights from “Agriculture 4.0” Policies and Politics in Turkey." - 02.02.2023 Dr. Prathiwi Widyatmi Putri, Kassel University:
"From Conflict to Co-production: A Grassroots-Led Model of Polycentric Water Governance in the Postcolonial South." - 09.02.2023 Mark Philip Stadler, University of Copenhagen:
"Urban Transformation from the Kampung. Urban Poor Activists’ Struggles against Hegemonic Urban Structures & Authoritarian-Populist Urbanism"
- 05.05.2022 Christa Wichterich, University of Kassel:
"Heroines Needed! Transnational Care Chains and Care Extractivism during the Covid-19 Pandemic" - 19.05.2022 Felix Mallin, University of Copenhagen:
"The Blue Economy Paradigm: A Shock Doctrine for the Global Oceans?" - 02.06.2022 Phill Wilcox, Bielefeld University:
"The Price of Development – A View from Laos" - 09.06.2022 Alexander Horstmann, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg:
"Vernacular Resistance in the Borderlands of Thailand and Myanmar" - 23.06.2022 Oliver Tappe, University of Heidelberg:
"Contested Resource Frontiers in Southeast Asia: Insights from Upland Laos" - 14.07.2022 Stefanie Siebenhütter, Waseda University, Tokyo:
"Digital Presence of Small Languages without Writing Systems: The Multilingual Kui in Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia" - 21.07.2022 Christoph Antweiler, University of Bonn:
"The Anthropocene as Fact and as Narrative Social Criticism" - 28.07.2022 Wimonsiri Hemtanon, Mahidol University, Thailand:
"Social Safety Net : Social Capital of Bangkok Homelessness during COVID-19"
- 04.11.2021 Rey Louis Adeva Montesclaros, University of the Philippines, Diliman:
"How the Spaniards Won in Marawi but Lost in Cavite: Northern Mindanao Rancherias in the Twilight of Spanish Empire" - 25.11.2021 Silvia Mayasari-Hoffert, Goethe University of Frankfurt:
"Literary Representation of the Red Scare in Indonesia" - 09.12.2021 Andreas Thiel and Ariane Götz, University of Kassel:
"Agroecological Transitions through the Lens of Normative Polycentric Governance Conditions. The Case of Tunisia" - 20.01.2022 Sanchali Sarkar, Basanti Devi College, Kolkata, India:
"Situated Intersectionality and Translocality: Studying South Asian Women’s Travel Experiences in Germany" - 10.02.2022 Daniel Bultmann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:
"Reproduction and Change in the Cambodian Field of Power"
- 06.05.2021 Jakub Hruby, The Oriental Institute, Department of East Asia, Prague:
"China’s Buddhist Diplomacy towards South and Southeast Asia" - 27.05.2021 Alexander Mewes + Johanna Hansmann, Centre for Rural Development, Berlin:
"Food Security in Cape Town SA – Outcomes of the SLE / Centre for Rural Development Training Programme" - 10.06.2021 Florence Dafe, Technical University of Munich (TUM) + Lena Rethel, University of Warwick:
"Domestic Banking Systems and the Contingent Nature of the Structural Power of Finance in Emerging Markets" - 17.06.2021 Monika Arnez, Institute for Social Anthropology,
University of Bern:
"Exploring Land Reclamation in Malaysia through Visual Documentation" - 24.06.2021 Daniel May, GIZ Germany, "Multistakehoder Initiatives in Banana Supply Chains"
- 01.07.2021 Oona Morrow, Rural Sociology, Wageningen‚ University & Research:
"Careful Circularity for an Urban Food Commons?" - 08.07.2021 Alfred Gerstl, Department of Asian Studies, Palacký
University Olomouc (Czech Republic):
"Sinophone Borderlands – Research on China’s Relations with Asia and Europe in the Czech Republic" - 15.07.2021 Mirjam Lücking, Social Anthropology in The Martin Buber Society of Fellows (MBSF), Hebrew University of Jerusalem:
"Indonesian Tourism to Jerusalem: Competition and Cooperation on Muslim and Christian Pathways"
- 19.11.2020 Wening Udasmoro, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta and Elisabeth Prügl, Graduate Institute, Geneva:
"No Matter What – I’ve Got Rights’: Women’s Land Grab Protests in Banyuwangi, East Java" - 26.11.2020 Roger Casas, Institute for Social Anthropology, Vienna:
"The Will to Ignore: Reflections on Science, Culture, and How the Tai Lue of Sipsong Panna Tackled the Coronavirus Crisis" - 10.12.2020 Sabrina Hoffmann, Municipal Development Policy, District of Passau:
"Communal Development and Sustainability in the City and District of Passau" - 17.12.2020 Werner Kraus, Center for Southeast Asian Art, Passau:
"Art, Anthropology and Crime in Malaya, 1937 – 1942" - 21.01.2021 Marlene Gomez Becerra, Free University of Berlin:
"Governing Food as a Commons through Urban Community Kitchens. The Cases of Berlin and Barcelona" - 28.01.2021 Petra Dannecker, University of Vienna:
"Transdisciplinarity ‘Meets’ Power Structures: Challenges and Experiences of a Capacity Building Project on Transdisciplinarity" - 04.02.2021 Kerstin Schiele, University of Koblenz:
"Questions of Belonging in the Context of Diaspora Tourism. The Case of Vietnamese Living in German" - 11.02.2021 Monika Arnez, University of Hamburg:
"Exploring Land Reclamation in Malaysia through Visual Documentation"
- 04.06.2020 Andreas Lange, GIZ Eschborn:
"An Introduction to GIZ: Our Work in Rural Development, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security" - 25.06.2020 Iliana Monterroso Ibarra, Institut de Ciència I Tecnologia Ambientals, Barcelona:
"Mobilizing Change for Women within Collective Tenure Regimes" - 16.07.2020 Dian Ekowati, University of Brighton, WEGO:
"A Gendered Discourse Analysis of Care and Family Farms in Indonesian Oil Palm" - 23.07.2020 Leonor Veiga, University of Lisbon:
"Southeast Asian Environmental Art Practices from the 1990s to Today"
- 31.10.2019 Christa Hainz, Ifo Institute, Munich:
"Credit Contracts, Collateral and Culture: Gender Differences" - 07.11.2019 Rainer Einzenberger, University of Vienna:
"Current and Future Research Perspectives on Frontiers in Upland Myanmar" - 21.11.2019 Sanchali Sarkar, Basanti Devi College, Kolkata:
"The Precarious Condition of Women Commuters: A Study of the Matribhumi Train in West Bengal, India" - 28.11.2019 Janina Danneberg, Leuphana University of Lüneburg:
"Collective Land Ownership and the Crisis of the (Re)Productive" - 05.12.2019 Sandra Manickam, University of Rotterdam:
"Racial Narrations in the Malay Archipelago during the Greater East Asia War" - 12.12.2019 Saba Joshi, Graduate Institute, Geneva:
"Gendered Repertoires of Contention: Women‘s Mobilizations over Land Dispossession in Authoritarian Cambodia" - 19.12.2019 Amanda tho Seeth, Philipps-University of Marburg:
"Indonesian State Islamic Academia as a Political Actor: From Local to Global Outreach" - 16.01.2020 Srinivasa Reddy Srigiri, German Development Institute, Bonn:
"Governance Mechanisms for Achieving Water, Food and Energy Securities: Ensuring Policy Coherence for Implementing Agenda 2030" - 23.01.2020 Philipp Bruckmayr, University of Vienna:
"Arab-descended Ruling Houses of Southeast Asia" - 30.01.2020 Erhard Berner, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague:
"Helping a Large Number of People Become a Little Less Poor: The Logic of Survival Entrepreneurs" - 06.02.2020 Kerstin Schiele, University of Applied Sciences, Koblenz:
"The Migration – Tourism Connection: Questions of Belonging in the Context of Diaspora Tourism"
- 08.05.2019 Joachim Nieß, Goethe University of Frankfurt, "Media and Literature in Late Colonial Indonesia"
- 29.05.2019 Roger Casas, Institute for Social Anthropology, Vienna, "Dreams, Desires and Needs: Reflections on Economic Transformations and Agency in the Upper Mekong Borderlandss"
- 05.06.2019 Erhard Berner, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, "Helping a Large Number of People Become a Little Less Poor: The Logic of Survival Entrepreneurs"
- 12.06.2019 Elke Ahrens, Intercultural Training & Consulting, Stuttgart, "Triple Win – Fishing for Nurses in the Philippines"
- 19.06.2019 Janina Danneberg, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, "Collective Land Ownership and the Crisis of the (Re)Productive"
- 26.06.2019 Melanie Hackenfort, University of Koblenz-Landau, "The Comfort of Modern Housing and its
Challenges – Ethnographic Insights into a Resettlement Project in the Philippines" - 17.07.2019 Christina Sathyamala, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, "Meat and Non-Meat: The Cultural Politics of Food"
- 24.07.2019 Kho Suet Nie, University of Kebagsaan Malaysia & Wimonsiri Hemtanon, Mahidol University, Bangkok, "Social Media in Southeast Asia"
- 17.10.2018 Wolfram Schaffar, University of Vienna:
"Facebook-Based Vigilante Groups in Thailand and the Philippines and the Global Rise of new Authoritarianism" - 24.10.2018 Maribeth Erb, National University of Singapore & Kathryn Robinson, Australian National University:
"Mining and Contentious Politics in Indonesia" - 07.11.2018 Judith Bosnak ,University of Frankfurt:
"The Representation of Natural Disaster in Indonesian Popular Culture" - 14.11.2018 J. Buchholz, former GIZ Malawi:
"Regional and Country Specific Development Strategies and Organisational Logics" - 21.11.2018 Sabine Gruber, University of Trier:
"Community Supported Agriculture from the Perspective of Economic Sociology and its Contribution to Comparative Development Studies" - 28.11.2018 Elke Ahrens, Intercultural Training & Consulting, Stuttgart:
"Triple Win – Fishing for Nurses in the Philippines" - 09.01.2019 Sandra Kurfürst, University of Cologne:
"Urban Commons: Social Media and Face-to-Face Interaction in Social Movements" - 23.01.2019 Johannes Jütting, Paris 21 (Partnership for Development in the 21St Century), Paris:
"Development 4.0 – Myth and Realities" - 30.01.2019 Guntra Aistara, Central European University, Budapest:
"Organic Sovereignties: Struggles over Farming in an Age of Free Trade" - 07.02.2019 Delphine Allès, INALCO, Paris:
"God‘s Part: The Confessionalization of World Politics and its Strategic Appropriations in Indonesia"
- 11.04.2018 Claudia Götze-Sam, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin:
"Introduction to CrossAsia – Specialised Information Service Asia – with a Focus on Southeast Asia" - 25.04.2018 Jamie Furniss, University of Edinburgh, UK:
"Development and Waste: Imagining and Intervening on Cairo’s Garbage Collectors" - 16.05.2018 Arahmaiani Feisal, Performance Artist, Yogyakarta, Indonesia:
"Creative Resistance against Divide & Rule Policy" - 23.05.2018 Vorawan Wannalak, University of Potsdam:
"Exploring China’s Aid for Greening the Mekong: Local Actors and Aid Modality for Low-Carbon Transition in Southeast Asia" - 30.05.2018 Subhasish Dey, University of York, UK:
"Do Political Parties Practise Partisan Alignment in Social Welfare Spending? Evidence from Village Council Elections in India" - 06.06.2018 Julia Behrens, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin:
"Cultural Eco-Imperialism in Vietnam: Influences on the Human-Nature Relationship in the Red River Delta" - 20.06.2018 Judith Bosnak, University of Frankfurt:
"The Representation of Natural Disaster in Indonesian Popular Culture" - 27.06.2018 Holger Warnk, University of Frankfurt:
"Islamic Printing and Publishing in Southern Thailand in the 21st Century" - 04.07.2018 Kristina Großmann and Alessandro Gullo, University of Passau:
"Central Kalimantan in the Year 2030. Conflicting Future Visions of Natural Resource Extraction and Reflections on Participative Research"
- 18.10.2017 Rainer Einzenberger, University of Vienna:
"Contested Frontiers: Land Enclosures and Indigenous Mobilization in Myanmar’s Uplands" - 25.10.2017 Alexander Moradi, University of Sussex:
"The Economics of Missionary Expansion and the Compression of History" - 08.11.2017 Viola Thimm, University of Hamburg:
"From Malaysia to Dubai: Muslim Pilgrimage and Gender in the Context of Consuming Practices" - 15.11.2017 Wolfram Schaffar, University of Vienna:
"New Authoritarianism, Military Dictatorship or Fascism: Making Sense of the Thai Regime since 2014" - 22.11.2017 Jan Priebe, University of Göttingen:
"(Ethnic) Discrimination and the Value of an Elite College Degree: Experimental Evidence from a Correspondence Study" - 06.12.2017 Patrick Franke, University of Bamberg:
"How Islamic Should Indonesia Be? Political Debates on the Jakarta Charter from 1945 to the Present" - 20.12.2017 Sandra Kurfürst, University of Cologne:
"This Is Me! Language and Gender in Vietnamese Hip Hop" - 10.01.2018 Dieter Neubert, University of Bayreuth:
"Class Concepts and Inequality under Conditions of Uncertainty. The Case of Kenya." - 24.01.2018 Johannes Jütting, Paris 21 (Partnership for Development in the 21St Century), Paris:
"Big Data: Friend or Foe of Development?" - 31.01.2018 Björn Vollan, University of Marburg:
"Can One More Vote Make You More Pro-Social? Evidence from Marginally Elected Local Leaders in the Philippines." - 07.02.2018 Edwin Wieringa, University of Cologne:
"On Tradition and Modernity:
Script Change in Contemporary Java"
04.05.2017:Danny Morrison, Autor, Schriftsteller und Kommentator, Nordirland: The Irish Hunger Strike and Prison Protests
31.05.2017: Dr. Warawit Kanithasen, CPG, Thammasat Universität, Thailand: Der Widerstand in Thailand im Zweiten Weltkrieg
19.10.2015: Prof. Dr. Sumathi Rajesh, Universität Chennai, Indien "Cultural Underprinnings in Consumerism. A Pattern in Community Food Consumption"
21.10.2015: Kadek Krishna Adidharma, Bali, Indonesien "Books beyond Borders - How Southeast Asian Writing Navigates through History, Language and Ethnic Boundaries"
28.10.2015: Dr. Andras Varsanyi, Stadtmuseum München "Gamelan Bali - Teamwork in Music"
11.11.2015: Dr. Werner Kraus, Southeast Asian Art Center, "Nachlese Frankfurter Buchmesse: Indonesien als Ehrengast"
09.12.2015: Dr. Patricia Fry, Wissensmanagement Umwelt, Zürich, Schweiz "A Transdisciplinary Method to Enhance Sustainability"
27.01.2016: Dr. Suraya Affif, Depok, Universität Indonesien "The Environmental Rationals and Land Management in Indonesia: A Case Study of REDD+
13.05.2015: Dr. Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt "Contested Ownership of Shipqrecks. Sunken heritage in Indonesia
27.05.2015: Diana Jantakad, Maejo Universität, Thailand "Information über die Maejo Universität"
03.06.2015: Dr. Tim Kaiser, Universität Gießen "Translocal spacial change in Vinh City: International cooperation in urban development beyond formal structures"
16.06.2015: Prof. Dr. Yunita T. Winarto, Universität Indonesien "Transdisciplinarity in Praxis 'Science Field Shops' in Indonesia to cope with climate change"
09.04.2014: Dr. Werner Kraus, Southeast Asian Art Center "Rabindranath Tagore's Journey to Java and Bali (1927)"
23.04.2014: Philipp Bruckmayr, Universität Wien: "On the Fatwa in Southeast Asia"
23.04.2014: Anna Rosmus, Schriftstellerin und Geschichtsforscherin aus Wisconsin: "Methoden der Datenerhebung zu sensitiven Themen am Beispiel Passau"
21.05.2014: Arahmaiani Feisal, Indonesische Künstlerin: "Art, Environment and Social Transformation"
04.06.2014: Tim Kaiser, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen: "Socialist Educational Transfer: The Case of the Central Complementary Education for Workers and Peasants School in Hanoi, Vietnam (1955-1964)"
24.06.2014: Prof. Dr. Phattharathanit Srichomthong, Maejo University: "Lanna Today: Indentity in Multilingualism"
01.07.2014: David Wharton, Digital Library of Lao Manuscripts Projekt: "Tai Nuea Vernacular Literature"
16.10.2013: Prof. Dr. Sumathi Rajesh, University of Madras: “Can Religion Intervene for Social Justice in the name of Positive Discrimination? A Case of Dalit Converts”
22.10.2013: Prof. Dr. Mark Thompson, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: “Corruption, Reform and Electoral Democracy in the Philippines and Thailand”
13.11.2013: Tagung „Indonesiens Übergang zur Demokratie. Die Präsidentschaft Habibies”
- Dr. Jusuf Habibie, Präsident Indonesiens a.D.
- Dr. Heinrich Seemann, Botschafter a.D.
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Dahm
20.11.2013: Prof. Dr. Margret Wong, University of Yangon: “Understanding Myanmar past and present”
27.11.2013: Niklas Reese, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn: “No Call for Action? Why There Is No Union (Yet) in Philippine Call Centers”
02.12.2013: Prof. Dr. Mo Mo Thant, University of Yangon: “The urbanization of Amarapura”
04.12.2013: Prof. Dr. Petra Dannecker, Universität Wien: “The construction of migrant workers and refugees in light of the political change in Myanmar”
29.01.2014: Sergiu Constantin, Institute of Minority Rights, Bozen: “A comparative approach to minorities in South Tyrol and Southern Thailand”