Prof. Dr. Wolfram Schaffar

Summer semester 2025
- 44330 Examens- und Forschungsseminar "Myanmar/Thailand Update"
- 44590 Fascism in a Global Perspective
- 44350 Gender and LGBT* issues in the Global South: Development, Crises and New Democracy Movements
- 44360 Political Systems and Democratization in Southeast Asia
- 44340 Ringvorlesung "Queer between the frontlines: LGBTIQ*-Politics and Mobilisations in a Translocal Perspective"
- 44310 Südostasienstudien: Einführungsvorlesung zum Prüfungsmodul
Winter semester 2024/25
- 44510 Interdisciplinary Development Seminar
- 43631 Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kulturvergleich
- 41657 Kollapsologie
- 44880 Methoden der Bildwissenschaft
- 44500 Methods and Theories of Development
- 44560 Platformisation, Authoritarianism and the Global South
- 44570 Research Seminar
- 44890 Ringvorlesung "Perspektiven der Bildforschung"
- 44312 UNESCO and Urban Heritage in Southeast Asia: Policies and Practices
Summer semester 2024
Education and career
Since 1 April 2021: Chair of Development Politics, University of Passau.
April 2020 – September 2020: Professor for Japanese Studies (Japanologie), Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Tübingen (Interim Professor).
Focus in research and teaching: COVID-19 in Japan and East Asia, Social Media, Development Discourses in Japan und East Asia (Belt-and-Road Initiative, Health Silkroad), Neue Right und Fascism
May 2014 – April 2018: Professor of Political Sciene and Development Studies, Institute of Development Studies, University of Vienna, (Endowment Chair funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA)).
November 2010 – May 2013: Professor of Cultural and Social Development Studies Institute of Development Studies, University of Vienna.
May 2008 – October 2010: Assistant Professor (Akademischer Rat) at the Department of Political Science, Institute of Social Science, University of Hildesheim.
October 2002 – September 2007: Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent C1) at the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Institut of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of Bonn.
2000: PhD at the University of Tübingen.
Research Focus
- Digitalisation, Social Media and Political Mobilisation
- Authoritarism, Populism, Fascism in Globaler Perspective
- Social Movement / Gender, Ethnicity, Indigeneity in Sozialen Movements
- The Inpact of China in Asien and Europe (Belt and Road Initiative)
- Critical State THeory of the Global South
- New Constitutionalism / Law and Development
- Alternative Development Paradigms / Post-Development
- Social Policy / Wefare States / Covid-19, Biopolitics and Citizenship
- Language Policy
Regional Focus: Mainland Southeast Asia (Thailand, Myanmar), East Asia (China, Japan, Mongolia), Bhutan.
Fellowships and colsulting activities
Juni 2019 – October 2019: Fellowship at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden, Niederlande.
Mai 2019: Research Fellow at the Palacký University of Olomouc, Project "Sinophone Borderlands – Interaction at the Edges".
März – Mai 2019: Consultancy for the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin, Center for International Dialogue and Cooperation (ZID).
February – March 2018: Visiting Professor at the Jigme Singye Wangchuk School of Law, Thimphu Bhutan.
May 2013 – April 2014: Senior Research Fellow at the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal–, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV) [Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies] Leiden, Netherlands.
2013 – 2015: Guest Lecturer at Yangon University and Concultancy in Myanmar/Burma for the Higher-Education-Support Program of the Open Society Foundation (Budapest)
December 2007 – May 2008: Guest Lecturer at the faculty of political sciences at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.
1997 – 2002: Trainer for Intercultural Communication and Intercultural Management Management at the Carl Duisberg Centre, Köln, Language Teacher and Translator (free-lance) for Japanese and Thai at the Foreign Ministry, Bonn.
August 2000 – March 2001: Guest Researcher (招聘研究員) at the National Language Research Institute (国立国語研究所) Tokyo.