Performance Requirements and Exams
The requirements of the individual courses are specified in Stud.IP. In addition to desired active and regular participation, these are usually: presentation and written exam or term paper. The grading is based exclusively on the graded pieces of work as stipulated in the examination and study regulations.
Exam Consultations
Exam consultations are generally only possible during office hours. This applies to all courses of study.
Examination Modalities - Examination Arrangements
Please refer to the examination and study regulations for the requirements applicable to the relevant degree programmes. For more information, see the Exams section on the homepage. Examination consultations are generally only arranged during the office hours of Prof. Stögner or the staff members authorized to examine. In the B.A. programmes, all employees of the chair are entitled to examine in their teaching areas.
Written exams are standard examinations of most courses in the B.A. programmes. The respective lecturer decides on content and form.
The subject matter of the examination is generally the literature selection on which the respective course is based.
State Examination for Teaching Profession "Social Studies"
The contents of the examination are defined in the LPO II, § 60. In the state examination for the teaching profession social studies/sociological theory, sound knowledge in the following fields of sociology is expected: Overview of the main trends in sociological theory; development of sociological thinking since the classics; main problems of social theory; comparison of theories. (The basis is provided by the lecture "Gesellschaft und Individuum. Einführung in die sozialwissenschaftlichen Denkweisen" by Prof. Stögner, which is based in particular on Kröll, Friedhelm, Stögner, Karin: Sozialwissenschaftliche Denkweisen. Eine Einführung, Wien: new academic press 2015/2016/2018. This work is in particular also the basis of an oral examination on "sociological theory").
Knowledge of at least two directions of social theory is also expected. These include: Marxism, critical theory, poststructuralism, systems theory, theory of action and practice, feminist social theory.