Recognition of Work
Examinations in sociological fields acquired at other universities can be recognized if they correspond to the relevant examination and study regulations of the Faculty of Humanities in terms of ECTS points and the content requirements - i.e. paper, exam or term paper -. The credits to be recognized must not be older than four years.
For clarification of a possible recognition, please contact Alexandra Colligs, this also applies to the examination and confirmation of Learning Agreements.
Please bring the following documents with you for a speedy examination:
- a printout of the certificate from the host university with details of the ECTS credits earned
- the teaching programme of the course to be recognized, if necessary a conversion table to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
- the form of the responsible examination office for the recognition of academic achievements
Without these documents, your academic achievements cannot be recognized.
- Formular: Antrag auf Anerkennung von Prüfungen
- Formular: Antrag auf Anerkennung von Studienleistungen und Studienzeiten gem. § 10 StuPO-BA/ES
For more helpful Information please click to the Homepage of Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
Assignment of categories of courses
All courses of the chair are assigned to modules of the different study programs as indicated in StudIP. Choose the modules that are relevant for your exam depending on your course of study and your progress. Please note that not all modules can always be offered in every semester. In most cases, the study and examination regulations provide for a two-semester rotation (MuK three semesters!).