International Cooperations
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Our cooperation partners listed in alphabetical order
Shanghai Normal University (Shanghai, China)
Fields of cooperation
- InVers research project
Main topics
- Professionalisation research
Teacher Training Center Shanghai (Shanghai, China)
Fields of cooperation
- Professional development programme ESD
- Intervention study ESD
- Professional development programme Talent promotion
Research topics
- Professionalisation research, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Gordon College of Education (Haifa, Israel)
Fields of cooperation
- Erasmus+ project WILLIAM: Digital Joint Courses
- Student and guest lecturer mobility (global.trex, KA 171)
- InVers research project
Research topics
- Professionalisation research
- Inclusive giftedness research
- Education and (digital) space
Kobe University (Kobe, Japan)
Fields of cooperation
- Mobility of students and guest lecturers (global.trex)
Research topics
- Professionalisation research
Osaka Metropolitan University (Osaka, Japan)
Fields of cooperation
- Joint courses
- Mobility of students and guest lecturers
Research topics
- Professionalisation research,
- educational equity
University College of Teacher Education of the Church of Austria in Vienna and Krems (Vienna, Austria)
Fields of cooperation
- Erasmus+: Blendend Intensive Programme (BIP)
- Work on the Erasmus+ application: Teacher Academy
- Regional development project ‘Inclusive school for all abilities’ (BegIN)
Key topics
- Inclusive Talent Education
Private University College of Education of the Diocese of Linz (Linz, Austria)
Main topics
- professionalisation research
Fields of cooperation
- InVers research project
University of Warsaw (Warsaw, Poland)
Fields of co-operation
- Joint courses
- Teacher exchange programme
Main topics
- History of education and human rights education
Zurich University of Teacher Education (Zurich, Switzerland)
Main topics
- professionalisation research
Fields of cooperation
- InVers research project
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Dakar, Senegal)
Fields of cooperation
- Mobility of students and guest lecturers (global.trex)
Research topics
- Professionalisation research
Stellenbosch University (Stellenbosch, South Africa)
Fields of cooperation
- InVers research project
- Mobility of students and guest lecturers (global.trex)
Thematic priorities
- Professionalisation research, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD),
- diversity and multilingualism
Enrique Jose Varona Pedagogical University (Cuba, South America)
Areas of cooperation
- Joint courses
- Mobility of students and guest lecturers (global.trex)
Key topics
- Inclusion and diversity research,
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)
Fields of cooperation
- Erasmus+: Blendend Intensive Programme (BIP)
- Work on the Erasmus+ application: Teacher Academy
- Mobility of students and guest lecturers (KA 131)
Main topics
- Inclusive promotion of gifted students
Teach Live / Učitel naživo (Prague, Czech Republic)
Fields of cooperation
- Bilateral further education project
Research topics
- Professionalisation research
Banks Street College (New York City, USA)
Fields of cooperation
- Student and guest lecturer mobility (global.trex)
Research areas
- Professionalisation research
- Democratic learning and human rights education
- Education and space
Muskingum University (New Concord, USA)
Fields of cooperation
- Mobility of students and guest lecturers (global.trex)
Research areas
- Professionalisation research
- Education and space