About the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences

Faculties bring together related sciences and academic disciplines into one teaching and administrative unit. This includes professors, graduate research assistants, students and academic support staff.
Faculties include different organisations as well as elected or appointed bodies, such as the Faculty Executive, the Faculty Council, the departments, the Dean's Office and the Student Committee.
Institutions and bodies
The Faculty Executive heads the faculty and represents the faculty's interests both internally and externally.
The Faculty Council gives guidance and decides on the use of faculty's resources (funds, physical resources, staff, rooms etc.) as well as on fundamental issues relating to the faculty's research and teaching output. This includes decisions on degree programmes as well as those relating to study and examination regulations.
The Dean's Office serves as the first port of call for organisational issues relating to research and teaching.
The faculty's departments are tasked with pooling shared research interests, coordinating joint application procedures and providing visibility to the research output. They organise the research workshop Forschungsatelier and support the Faculty Executive.
The student committee offers students advice for each specific course of study. It acts as a contact point for students with problems, liaises between students and professors and represents students in a number of different bodies.