Dean of Studies for Study, Teaching and International Matters

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hidalgo
Room HK16 218
Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Straße 16
Phone: +49(0)851/509-2830
Fax: 0851/509-2832
Responsibilities of the Dean of Studies
The Dean of Studies
- Ensures that the courses offered are in accordance with the examination and study regulations, that the course can be properly completed within the standard period of study and that the students are adequately supervised,
- is responsible for the evaluation of teaching, including student evaluations,
- Reports regularly to the dean and at least once a semester to the faculty council and the university management on his or her work,
- shall submit an annual report on teaching (teaching report) to the Faculty Council in a non-personalised form,
- submits proposals to the Dean for the use of funds available for teaching,
- shall comment on the pedagogical suitability of applicants in appointment procedures.