Degree programmes

All our Bachelor's and Master's programmes have been accredited or re-accredited by accreditation agency ACQUIN, with the exception of the degree programmes introduced after summer semester 2015, which will undergo accreditation at a later date. If you have any questions about accreditation you wish to ask us, please contact the Dean's Office or Professor Andreas Michler, the Accreditation Officer of the faculty.
Bachelor's programmes
The Bachelor's degree is a first university degree that qualifies you for entry-level positions in business and industry, as well as for postgraduate study.
General programme information |
Profile: BA Governance and Public Policy |
Profile: B.A. Journalism and Strategic Communication |
For information about the accreditation of our programs please visit ACQUIN
Master's programmes
Master's programmes allow students to specialise further within their academic discipline. They are often prerequisites for doctoral study. To embark on a Master's programme you need to have a Bachelor's degree or an equivalent qualification. Master's programme usually run for a period of four semesters.
General program information |
Profiles: MA Development Studies |
Profile: MA Geography: Culture, Environment and Tourism |
Profile: MA Governance and Public Policy |
Profile: MA Media and Communication |
For information about the accreditation of our programs please visit ACQUIN
Double degree options
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers you the following double degree options in co-operation with universities abroad:
- European Studies: Máster en Estudios Ingleses y Comunicación Multilingüe e Intercultural (Passau - Málaga)
- International Cultural and Business Studies (ICBS): Licenciatura en Gerenciamiento Económico Intercultural (LiGEI) (Passau - Buenos Aires)
- International Cultural and Business Studies (ICBS) – Langues Étrangères Appliquées (LEA) (Passau - Aix en Provence)
- International Cultural and Business Studies (ICBS): B.A. with Honours in International Management and Intercultural Studies (BA Hons. Passau and Stirling (UK)
- International Cultural and Business Studies (ICBS) and the Turkish-German University, Istanbul: Master of Arts (M.A.) in Intercultural Management (Passau - Istanbul)
Long-cycle undergraduate programmes concluding with a state examination
State examinations are examinations centrally set by the state. The University does not set these examinations but only provides the education up to the state examination. At the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the long-cycle teacher education programmes conclude with a state examination. Please note that this does not include the Bachelor and Master of Education programmes, which are short-cycle programmes. The standard duration of study for the long-cycle programmes is seven or nine semesters (see above).
Programme profiles for the teacher education programmes:
Primary education
Secondary education (Hauptschule or Mittelschule)
Secondary education (Realschule)
Secondary education (Gymnasium)