"Formally, recognition involves establishing the value of a qualification that is confirmed by the competent authorities and assigning any assessment completed elsewhere the same legal effect as that associated with the qualification whose legal effect is being sought. In practical terms, recognition means that the recognising university treats the coursework and assessments completed elsewhere as if they had been completed while studying at its own establishment. Nexus glossary of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK)
Study and Examination regulations
The study and examination regulations of each degree programmes offered at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities set forth the options available for having study periods, coursework and assessments recognised.
Generally, recognition can be granted for study periods, coursework and assessments completed at other state or state-recognised higher education institutions through successful participation in a corresponding long distance unit of study as part of a degree programme at a state or state-recognised higher education institution in the Federal Republic of Germany, in degree programmes at higher education institutions abroad or in a different degree programme at the University of Passau. The same goes for study periods, coursework and assessments completed at a state or state-recognised higher education institution in Bavaria within the scope of other degree programmes and in special degree programmes or at Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb). In addition, competences (learning outcomes) may be eligible for recognition if earned within the scope of other advanced study courses or outside of higher education institutions. Art. 63 of the Bavarian Higher Education Act (BayHSchG) ('Recognition of competences') (only in German) is the main legal basis for this.
Lisbon Convention
According to the Lisbon Convention (only in German), recognition shall be granted (from abroad) on the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired unless a substantial difference can be demonstrated to exist between the study periods, coursework and examinations to be recognised and the module of the degree programme in which recognition is sought. A substantial difference exists when recognition would jeopardise achievement of the purpose sought by such recognition. Therefore, the recognition procedure also looks into whether recognising the relevant study periods, coursework and assessments may prevent the student from continuing to study, conduct research or work successfully. The notion of the substantial difference has replaced the equivalence principle which had been applicable in earlier agreements.
Recognition of coursework and assessments completed abroad. Manual for Universities (HRK nexus) (only in German)
Study periods, coursework and assessments completed at another university in the Federal Republic of Germany, outside a university or in a different degree programme offered by the University of Passau are recognised in line with these requirements.
The person responsible for the relevant module recognises study periods as well as coursework and assessments completed abroad, at a different university in the Federal Republic of Germany, outside a university or in a different degree programme offered by the University of Passau when you submit an application.
The module catalogue of your degree programme is used to check for substantial differences in the qualifications submitted for recognition. The following criteria are considered: quality (hosting university/degree programme/course), level (bachelor's/master's), learning outcomes (requirements to continue studying), contents (ECTS points) and profile (correspondence of the profile with the degree programme offered at the University of Passau) of the relevant coursework and assessments. However, the main focus is placed on learning outcomes that have been achieved, i.e. the competences and skills acquired. Inconsistencies in quantitative terms, such a difference in the ECTS points earned, are usually no reason to deny recognition. Recognition is granted when no substantial differences are identified.
You will find further information on the recognition procedure for your degree programme on the information pages run by the programme co-ordinators and the Examinations Office.
Recognition from abroad
An understanding concerning the recognition of study periods, coursework and assessments completed abroad should be reached ahead of time with the University of Passau in the form of learning agreements. Where a unique learning agreement has been signed with the person responsible for the relevant module, all the agreed and completed coursework and assessments must be recognised without reservation after your return. The conclusion of learning agreements is also recommended when you pursue studies abroad outside the Erasmus+ (only in German) programme. Please note that any change in your recognition needs during your stay abroad will require your learning agreements to be modified.
Mandatory conversion of grades for the coursework and assessments completed abroad is ensured by the programme co-ordinators.