Johannes Graup

Room: HK 14d 411, 4. Floor
Adress: Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 14 d, 94032 Passau
Office Hours:
During the semester:
Online via Zoom or in the Office - Appointments can be arranged by e-mail.
During the semester break:
Research Areas
- Didactic integration of digital media into the classroom
- Digital equipment and room concepts for schools
- Implementation of digital skills in the training of teachers
Practical Experience
since 2020:
- IT consultant for digital education in the districts of Freyung-Grafenau and Regen
since 2018:
- school development moderator
since 2013:
- teacher at primary and secondary schools
Academic Career
- Second state examination for the Teacher Education Programme for secondary education
- Teacher Education Programme (‘Mittelschule’), First state examination for Teacher Education Programme for primary education
- Rachbauer, T., Graup, J., & Rutter, E. (2025). Digital literacy and artificial intelligence literacy in teacher training. Forum for Education Studies. Vol. 4, No 2, ISSN: 3029-2956. (Veröffentlichung in Vorbereitung)
- Rachbauer, T., Graup, J., Rutter, E. & Hansen, C. (2024). Eine vierteilige Modul-Reihe zur Förderung von Digital und Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy in der Lehrerbildung. In (Hrsg.), Kompetenzen für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht mit und über Künstliche Intelligenz. Waxmann-Verlag. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., Graup, J., Hansen, C., & Rutter, E. (2024). Digital Literacy in der Lehrerbildung – eine vierteilige Modul-Reihe zur Vermittlung und Förderung digitaler Kompetenzen zukünftiger Lehrkräfte. fnma Magazin, 1, 25–28, Schwerpunkt: Toolification – Die Ambivalenz digitaler Applikationen. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Young AI researchers present: Keynote lecture by Dr. Tamara Rachbauer, MA, BSc and Johannes Graup titled: Digital Literacy and AI Literacy in Teacher Education on 21 January 2025. as part of the lecture series Young AI researchers present, with the support of the Digitalisation Hub of the University of Passau (21 January 2025)
- Speaker on the topic: Presentation of the cooperation project between the government of Lower Bavaria and the University of Passau: Digital education in teacher training. at the conference of the BdB and the speakers' network in Lower Bavaria (09.05.2022)