Katja Reitmaier

Phone: +49(0)851/509-4412
Mail: katja.reitmaier@uni-passau.de
Room: HK 14d 410, 4. Floor
Adress: Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 14 d, 94032 Passau
Office Hours:
During the semester:
Online via Zoom or in the Office - Appointments can be arranged by e-mail.
During the semester break:
Contact Person
- BegIN - Inclusive Talented Education - Inclusive Talent Development in Lower Bavaria (BegIN)
Research Areas
- Education for sustainable development (ESD), with a focus on learning about democracy
Practical Experience
- Deputy Lecturer at the Chair of Education with a focus on Diversity Research and Educational Spaces in Middle Childhood
- Graduate teaching and research assistant at the Chair of Education with a focus on Diversity Research and Educational Spaces in Middle Childhood
since 2016:
- Teacher at primary schools in regular, all-day and German classes
- Graduate teaching and research assistant in members of parliament's offices
Academic Career
- Master's in Adult Education
- Second state examination for the Teacher Education Programme for primary education
- B.A. Governance and Public Policy
- Teacher Education Programme for primary education, first state examination