Eva Rutter

Phone: +49 (0)851 509-4411
Room: HK 14d 408
Adress: Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 14 d, 94032 Passau
Visit me on ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eva-Rutter
Office Hours:
Online via Zoom or in the Office - Appointments can be arranged by e-mail.
During the semester break:
Wednesday, 12 February 2025 – 10:00 to 11:00
Wednesday, 26 February 2025 – 10:00 to 11:00
Wednesday, 19 March 2025 – 10:00 to 11:00
please only by prior arrangement by e-mail
Research Areas
- career choice processes
- Internationalisation and professionalisation of teacher education
- academisation of vocational education
Practical Experience
Since 2021
- graduate teaching and research assistant at the Chair of Educational Science with a focus on diversity research and educational spaces in middle childhood. Topic of doctoral thesis: An international comparison of career choice motivation and professionalisation in teacher education
- lecturer in vocational education
Academic Career
- Studied educational science (with sociology as a secondary subject) in Karlsruhe, Mannheim and London. Master's thesis: ‘The academisation of specialist healthcare professions in Germany using the example of the profession of speech therapist’
- Worked as a speech therapist, partly in a management position
- Training as a speech therapist at the Hannover Medical School, leading to state acceptance for credit
- A levels
- Rachbauer, T., Graup, J., & Rutter, E. (2025). Digital literacy and artificial intelligence literacy in teacher training. Forum for Education Studies. Vol. 4, No 2, ISSN: 3029-2956. (Veröffentlichung in Vorbereitung)
- Plank, K., Rutter, E., Barends, Z. & Reddy, R. (accepted paper). Developing an international partnership in teacher education: Reflections from a complex collaborative process. In: Teacher Education under Review, Special Issue: Effects of Internationalization
- Graup, J., Hansen, C., Rachbauer, T. & Rutter, E. (2024) Eine vierteilige Modul-Reihe zur Veröffentlichung von Digital und Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy in der Lehrerbildung. In: Kompetenzen für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht mit und über Künstliche Intelligenz, Waxmann- Verlag, S. 86-90
- Rutter, E. & Scharfenberg, J. (2024). Career choice motives among Israeli teacher education students: A question of religion? Talk held at ECER (European Conference on Educational Research) at Nikosia University, Cyprus on 29th August 2024
- Plank, K., Rutter, E., Barends, Z. and Reddy, C. (2024): Developing an International Partnership in Teacher Education: Lessons from a complex collaborative process. Part of Symposium: Effects of Internationalization in Teacher education. Talk held at ECER (European Conference on Educational Research) at Nikosia University, Cyprus on 29th August 2024
- Scharfenberg, J., Rutter, E., Barends, Z. & Reddy, C. (2024). Teaching as a social elevator? The case of South Africa. Talk held at ECER (European Conference on Educational Research) at Nikosia University, Cyprus on 29th August 2024
- Fesl, S., Rutter, E. & Springer, S.M. (2024). InVerS: Motive und Begründungslinien für die Wahl des Berufs Lehrkraft im internationalen Vergleich. Ein Forschungsprojekt des Lehrstuhls für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Diversitätsforschung und Bildungsräume der Mittleren Kindheit. In: Brandl, M. (Hrsg.). Paradigma. 40 Jahre Lehrkräftebildung an der Universität Passau: Ein- und Ausblicke. S. 113-126
- Graup, J., Hansen, C., Rachbauer, T. & Rutter, E. (2024). Digital Literacy in der Lehrerbildung – eine vierteilige Modul-Reihe zur Vermittlung und Förderung digitaler Kompetenzen zukünftiger Lehrkräfte. fnma Magazin, 1, 25–28, Schwerpunkt: Toolification – Die Ambivalenz digitaler Applikationen. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Hansen, C., Rutter, E. & Pöcheim, S. (2023). Diversität und Inklusion - Curricula-Analyse Lehramt (2022). In: Andreas Schnider, Maria-Luise Braunsteiner, Ivo Brunner, Christina Hansen, Barbara Schober, Christiane Spiel (Hrsg.). Pädagoginnenbildung. Evaluationen und Analysen. S. 491-530 Be+Be-Verlag: Heiligenkreuz
- Rachbauer, T. & Rutter, E. (2022). Konzept digitale Bildung in Schulen. Posterbeitrag zur Tagung "Lehrkräftebildung weiterdenken". Joachim-Hertz-Stiftung, Leipzig
- Rutter, E. (2015). Themen mit eigener Betroffenheit erforschen. In: Jeannine Wintzer (Hrsg.), Herausforderungen in der Qualitativen Sozialforschung, Forschungsstrategien von Studierenden für Studierende, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, S.72–79.
- Presentation at the annual conference of the German Society for Network Research ‘Network Structures between Theory and Practice’, title of presentation: ‘They take time to materialise’: challenges and potentials of cross-institutional networks in international teacher education, 28-29 October 2024, Schader Foundation, Darmstadt
- Presentation at the working group on research on early career researchers at the conference of the chairs of primary education in Bavaria, presentation title: Motivation for choosing teacher education. An internationally similar phenomenon?, 19 February 2024, University of Passau
- Presentation at the Young Researchers' Meeting (FNWQ) of the DGfE Section for School Pedagogy, Presentation title: Motivation for career choice of teacher training students in international comparison, 22 February 2023, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- Presentation at the cross-status research colloquium of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, presentation title: The use of mixed methods in the context of a dissertation project, 11 January 2023