Dr. Tamara Rachbauer, MA, BSc

Phone: +49 (0)851 509-2657
Mail: tamara.rachbauer@uni-passau.de
Room: HK 14d 409, 4. Floor
Adress: Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 14 d, 94032 Passau
Visit me on ResearchGate:
URL: https://www.tamara-rachbauer.info/
Office Hours:
During the semester:
online via Zoom or at the office – please arrange appointments by e-mail
During the semester break:
Tuesday, 6:00–8:00 p.m.
please only by prior arrangement by e-mail
Contact Person
- The KI-Folio - an AI-supported e-portfolio as a reflective professionalisation tool in teacher training
- AI-supported scientific work
- BegIN - Inclusive Talent Development (IBF)
- Internationalisation at Home (IaH)
- (Compulsory) Excursions: Forest Youth Games (each in the summer semester), Forest as a place of learning (each in the summer semester), Museum as a place of learning (each in the summer and winter semester), Donauwelle (each in the summer semester)
Research Areas
- Artificial intelligence (AI) and learning analytics (LA) in the field of inclusive gifted education (IBF)
- AI-supported scientific work with Large Language Models (LLM)
- Digital and AI literacy in all three qualification phases of teacher training
- Internationalisation at Home (IaH) through the HyFlex model
- AI-supported feedback with Large Language Models (LLM)
- University didactics in the age of digitalisation – the HyFlex campus as a future form
Practical Experience
Since winter term 2023/24:
- Speaker at the Digitalisation Hub of the University of Passau
Since summer term 2023:
- Collaboration at the Centre for Teacher Training and Subject Didactics (ZLF) - Division Heterogeneity and Diversity
Since winter term 2021/22:
- Lecturer at the Chair of Educational Science with a focus on diversity research and educational spaces of middle childhood at the University of Passau (formerly Chair of Primary Education)
Since winter semester 2021/22:
- Expert on digitalisation in the network for establishing education for sustainable development in all schools in the city and district of Passau www.bne-passau.de
Since winter semester 2021/22:
- Point of contact for digital distance examination formats at the University of Passau
Winter term 2020/21-Winter term 2021/22:
- Head of Media Didactics and Media Technology at the Transfer Forum for Didactical Technology (DiTech) - Expert committee for online teaching at the University of Passau.
Summer term 2020:
- graduate teaching and research assistant at the Transfer Forum for Didactical Technology (DiTech) – expert committee for online teaching at the University of Passau.
- graduate teaching and research assistant at the Chair of Education with a focus on diversity research and educational spaces in middle childhood at the University of Passau (formerly the Chair of Primary Education)
- e-learning consultant at the Joseph-von-Eichendorff-Schule primary and secondary school
Since 2015:
- eLectures trainer - Onlinecampus Virtuelle PH
- Sessional lecturer at the Chair of Education with a focus on diversity research and educational spaces of middle childhood at the University of Passau (formerly Chair of Primary Education and Didactics)
Since 2013:
- Journalistic collaboration on educational science articles (e.g. Westermann Fachzeitschrift L.A.Multimedia, bildung+ schule digital, e-teaching.org, fnma Magazin, #schuleverantworten)
- E-learning/IT/web supervisor & consultant (training of teachers and students, development, implementation and evaluation of new online learning environments) at the Regenbogenschule VS Laab (voluntary)
Academic Career
- Doctor of Philosophy, Dr. phil. (graduated magna cum laude)
- doctoral candidate at the Chair of Educational Science with a focus on diversity research and educational spaces of middle childhood at the University of Passau (formerly Chair of Primary Education)
- Master of Arts MA (passed with Grade B)
- University degree in Education and Media - eEducation (MA) at the FernUniversität Hagen
- University course in Media Education and eLearning at the Danube University Krems (Certified Program)
- Bachelor of Science BSc (passed with Grade A)
- Higher education studies in media informatics (BSc) at the Mediadesign Hochschule für Design und Informatik in Munich
- Rachbauer, T. (2025). KI-Folios: Revolution oder Risiko? Ein kritischer Blick auf die Integration von KI in der akademischen Lehre. fnma Magazin, 1, XX–XX, Schwerpunkt: KI-Zugänge für Hochschulen. (Peer-Reviewed). (Veröffentlichung in Vorbereitung)
- Rachbauer, T., Graup, J., & Rutter, E. (2025). Digital literacy and artificial intelligence literacy in teacher training. Forum for Education Studies. Vol. 4, No 2, ISSN: 3029-2956. (Veröffentlichung in Vorbereitung)
- Rachbauer, T., & Kolbeck, A. (2024). Auswirkungen von Coaching und KI auf die Health Literacy und das Wohlbefinden von Jugendlichen.#schuleverantworten, 4(4), 36–42. https://doi.org/10.53349/schuleverantworten.2024.i4.a490 (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2024). Virtuelle Realität in der Lehrer:innenbildung: Chancen und Vorteile für die Internationalisierung at home. fnma Magazin, 4, 46–48, Schwerpunkt: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality und XR – Zukunftstechnologien im Fokus. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2024). KI-Folio: E-Portfolio gestütztes Reflektieren mit generativer KI begleiten. In G. Reinmann (Hrsg.) Impact Free 59 - Oktober 2024, Hamburg. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2024). Nachhaltige und resiliente Lehrformate: Schlüssel zur Zukunftsfähigkeit von Hochschulen. fnma Magazin, 3, 28–30, Schwerpunkt: Resilienz und Nachhaltigkeit in der digitalen Hochschullehre. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., Graup, J., Rutter, E. & Hansen, C. (2024). Eine vierteilige Modul-Reihe zur Förderung von Digital und Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy in der Lehrerbildung. In (Hrsg.), Kompetenzen für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht mit und über Künstliche Intelligenz. Waxmann-Verlag. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Kolbeck, A. (2024). KI und Coaching in der Schule: Wie können wir die Transformation durch den Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz und Coaching proaktiv mitgestalten? #schuleverantworten, 4(2), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.53349/schuleverantworten.2024.i2.a428 (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T (2024). Chancen und Potenziale von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und Learning Analytics (LA) auf inklusive Begabungsförderung. #schuleverantworten, 1(4), 75–81. https://doi.org/10.53349/schuleverantworten.2024.i1.a390 (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2024). Virtuelle Realität in der HyFlex Lehre: Eine Bereicherung für Inklusion und Interaktion. fnma Magazin, 1, 42–44, Schwerpunkt: Toolification – Die Ambivalenz digitaler Applikationen. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., Graup, J., Hansen, C., & Rutter, E. (2024). Digital Literacy in der Lehrerbildung – eine vierteilige Modul-Reihe zur Vermittlung und Förderung digitaler Kompetenzen zukünftiger Lehrkräfte. fnma Magazin, 1, 25–28, Schwerpunkt: Toolification – Die Ambivalenz digitaler Applikationen. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2024). HyFlex: Flexibles Lehren und Lernen – mehr Beteiligung, mehr Diversitätschancen. einfachlehren.de - Hochschuldidaktik Portal DU Darmstadt. Online verfügbar unter: https://www.einfachlehren.tu-darmstadt.de/themensammlung/details_50304.de.jsp#artikel_details (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2023). Inklusion inklusive KI – eine inklusionssensible Hochschulentwicklung durch den Einsatz von KI vorantreiben – Voraussetzungen. fnma Magazin, 4, 37–40, Schwerpunkt: Inklusive Gestaltung von Hochschulen – Innovation und Barrierefreiheit in der Lehre. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. & Kolbeck, A. (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz als Feedbackinstrument in der Lehre und im Coaching. fnma Magazin, 2, 42–45, Schwerpunkt: Erfahrungen mit KI in der Lehre. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2023). Das KI-folio oder KI-gestütztes Feedback mit Large Language Models. fnma Magazin, 2, 54–58, Schwerpunkt: Erfahrungen mit KI in der Lehre. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Rachbauer, M. (2023). Das E-Portfolio als kompetenzorientiertes Instrument zur individuellen Prüfungsbewertung. #schuleverantworten, 3(3), 42–47. https://doi.org/10.53349/schuleverantworten.2023.i3.a335. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Hanke, U. (2023). Hybride Lehre als Modell für den universitären Campus der Zukunft? In J. Pauschenwein, E. Krainz & L. Michelitsch (Hrsg.), 25 Jahre ZML – Innovative Lernszenarien an der FH JOANNEUM. Tagungsband zum 22. E-Learning Tag der FH JOANNEUM am 19.09.2023 (S. 115–130). Verlag der FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Rachbauer, M. (2023). Förderung der E-Partizipation durch die E-Portfolio-Methode. #schuleverantworten, 3(2), 61–72. https://doi.org/10.53349/schuleverantworten.2023.i2.a291. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., Ciolacu, M., Hansen, C., Brandl, M., Stelzer, F., Plank, K.E., Würdinger-Gaidas, M. & Gamerith, W. (2023). Building a sustainable, student-centered and resilient higher education 5.0 through intra- und interinstitutional collaborations. In: Virtual Collaboration with Agile Methods in Engineering Education 5.0 – Jump to Digital Innovation Units in the New Normal, IEEE ESTC 2023. www.sciencedirect.com (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Plank, K.E. (2023). University Tool for Holocaust Memory and Education. Knowledge Exchange : // Digitalisation is a project of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG). The project is funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministery for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). (Peer-Reviewed) https://knowledge-exchange-digital.org/case/educational-holocaust-memory-tool/
- Rachbauer, T., Ciolacu, M., & Hansen, C. (2023). Education 4.0 in the New Normal - Higher Education goes Agile with E-Portfolio, 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 51st IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, ICL IGIP 2022, 27.09.-30.09.2022, Vienna, Austria. LNNS, 633, 289–299. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-26876-2_27 (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Plank, K.E. (2023). Von der Digital Gap zur adaptiven Lernumgebung? Inklusive Chancen digitaler Lernwelten. Impuls aus der Praxis und für die Praxis. In Boesken, Gesine; Krämer, Astrid; Matthiesen, Tatiana; Panagiotopoulou, Argyro und Springob, Jan (Hrsg.): Zukunft Bildungschancen. Waxmann: 2023.
- Ciolacu, M. I., Mihailescu, B., Rachbauer, T., Hansen, C., Amza, C. G. & Svasta, P. (2023). Fostering Engineering Education 4.0 Paradigm Facing the Pandemic and VUCA World. Procedia Computer Science, 217, 177–186. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.213 (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Kolbeck, A. (2022). Coaching-Konzepte im Kontext von Schule und Schulentwicklung. #schuleverantworten, 2(4), 71–77. https://doi.org/10.53349/sv.2022.i4.a263 (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T., Ciolacu, M., Hansen, C., Amza, C.G., Mihailescu, B. & Svasta, P. (2022). Virtual Collaboration with Agile Methods in Engineering Education 4.0 – Jump to Digital Innovation Units in the New Normal, IEEE ESTC 2022, 13.09-16.09.2022, Sibiu, Romania. (pp. 282-291), doi: 10.1109/ESTC55720.2022.9939480 (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Hanke, U. (2022). Clevere Gestaltung hybrider Lehrveranstaltungen. Chancen, Risiken und Gelingensbedingungen. Effizient und clever lehren | Band 5. Verlag: epubli.
- Rachbauer, T. (2022).„Individuelle Einblicke in hochschuldidaktische Wege". Interview geführt von Dr. Susanne Günther, LEHRE+. https://www.uni-passau.de/lehreplus/interview-mit-dr-tamara-rachbauer/
- Rachbauer, T., & Hansen. C. (2022). E-Portfolio-unterstütztes Reflektieren“ als entscheidendes Element der profigrafischen Lehrer*innenbildung am Beispiel der curricular verankerten E-Portfolio- und Reflexionsarbeit an der Universität Passau. In G. Reinmann (Hrsg.) Impact Free 50 - November 2022, Hamburg. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2022) . Der Lernort Museum als analoges Erlebnis mit digitalen Angeboten – Ein Workshop zu Digitaler Bildung in der Grundschule. Blog der Heidelberg School of Education: Fokus Lehrer*innenbildung. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Hanke, U. (2022). Hybride, blended synchronous und Hyflex-Lehre: Chancen, Risiken und Gelingensbedingungen. In R. Krempkow, E. Wilhelm & O. Zawacki-Richter (Hrsg.), Offenes Heft – Freie Beiträge (Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE Jg. 17 / Nr. 2) (S. 43 –60). DOI: 10.3217/zfhe-17-02/03 (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. & Plank, K. E. (2022). Hybrid-Flexible und Blended Synchronous Learning – Bewährte didaktische Konzepte und Methoden digital gedacht – Förderung des Lernens in und mit heterogenen Gruppen. In N. Harsch, M. Jungwirth, Y. Noltensmeier, M. Stein & N. Wil lenberg (Hrsg.), Diversität Digital Denken – The Wider View. Tagungsband (S. 427–430). Münster: WTM. https://doi.org/10.37626/GA9783959871785.0.47
- Rachbauer, T., & Rachbauer, M. (2022). Lernen 3.0 im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung: Die Regenbogenschule VS Laab stellt sich vor. #schuleverantworten 1(1), 172–181. https://doi.org/10.53349/sv.2022.i1.a148 (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Rachbauer, M. (2022). E-Portfolio macht Schule! Mit der Online-Lernplattform ePapyrus auf abenteuerliche Reise in das geheimnisvolle Land am Nil. Schule Verantworten | führungskultur_innovation_autonomie, 1(1), 201–205. https://doi.org/10.53349/sv.2022.i1.a149 (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T., & Plank, K.E. (2021). Vom Digital zum Spatial Turn in der Holocaust Education? Medienpädagogische Anforderungen und Möglichkeiten einer digitalen VerOR-Tung von Erinnerung. In G. Reinmann (Hrsg.) Impact Free 42 - Dezember 2021, Hamburg. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2021). Flexibel studieren? Das HyFlex-Format macht es möglich! Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus dem universitären Alltag zum Thema „Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten“. Hochschuldidaktik-online. Blog Kategorie: Online-Lehre. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T., & Pflugbeil, F. (2021). Hochschulbildung an der Universität Passau im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung - Herausforderungen, Chancen und Handlungsempfehlungen. München: Grin Verlag GmbH. (Co-Autorin) https://www.grin.com/document/1060809
- Rachbauer, T., & Hanke, U. (2021). „Corona hat in der Lehre ein Umdenken bewirkt“. Interview geführt von Kuhnen, B. Digitales Forschungsmagazin. https://www.digital.uni-passau.de/beitraege/2021/interview-mentup/
- Rachbauer, T., & Plank, K.E. (2021). Internationalisierung@home. In J. Pauschenwein, E. Krainz & L. Michelitsch (Hrsg.),Wie lernen wir in Online-Gruppen und Online-Netzwerken? – Was klappt online und was Face-to-Face besser? Tagungsband zum 20. E-Learning Tag der FH JOANNEUM am 22.09.2021 (S. 95–107). Verlag der FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH. (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2021). E-Portfolio - zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe! Hochschuldidaktik-online. Hochschuldidaktik-online. Blog Kategorie: Online-Lehre. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T., & Plank, K.E. (2021). Internationalisierung at Home (IaH) durch Digitalisierung? Zum Potential virtueller Mobilität in der Lehrer*innen-Bildung. In S. Bedenlier & E. Bruhn (Hrsg.), The Digital Turn in Internationalization. Konzepte, Strategien und Praktiken (Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE Jg. 16 / Nr. 2) (S. 119–130). (Peer-Reviewed).
- Rachbauer, T. (2021). Blended Learning in Kombination mit Social Video Learning zur Unterstützung von Musik-Lehrveranstaltungen Gruppen. Blog der Heidelberg School of Education: Fokus Lehrer*innenbildung. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T. (2021). Blended Learning in Kombination mit Social Video Learning - zur Unterstützung von Musik-Lehrveranstaltungen. Hochschuldidaktik-online. Blog Kategorie: Lehrmethoden. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T., Lichtinger, U. & Lermer, S. (2021). Lernen mit Lernleitern digital gedacht – ein Praxisbericht aus der universitären Online-Lehre. e-teaching.org. Portalbereich: Aus der Praxis. Themenbereich: Das Selbststudium mit digitalen Medien unterstützen. (Co-Autorin). (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T., Pflugbeil, F. & Tettenhammer, F. (2020). Handreichung: Didaktische Gestaltung und technische Umsetzung von Online-Lehre - synchron, asynchron, hybrid - Mix it up ! Transferforum Didaktik-Technik (Di-Tech) Expertinnen- und Expertengremium für Online-Lehre an der Universität Passau. (Co-Autorin)
- Rachbauer, T., & Hansen, C. (2020). E-Portfolios als Instrument für Selbstreflexionsprozesse in der Lehrer*innenbildung. Tagungsband Universität Vechta. Barbara Budrich/Budrich UniPress Ltd. (Co-Autorin). (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T. (2020). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten macht Schule! Der eLearning-Workshop „Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten“ als Online-Seminar in drei verschiedenen Lehr-/Lern-Varianten. Blog der Heidelberg School of Education: Fokus Lehrer*innenbildung. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T., & Rachbauer, M. (2020). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten macht Schule! Der eLearning-Workshop „Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten“ als digitales Unterrichtsfach in drei verschiedenen Lehr-/Lern-Varianten. bildung+ schule digital 2020 (50-52) (Co-Autorin). (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T. (2020). Ein ILIAS-Begleitseminar zur E-Portfolio- und Reflexionsarbeit am Lehrstuhl für Grundschulpädagogik und Didaktik. Digital Learning Media Pro - Praxisberichte Zum Einsatz Digitaler Medien an Der Hochschule , (4), 16. Abgerufen von https://ojs3.uni-passau.de/index.php/dlmp/article/view/217 (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T. (2020). E-Portfolio unterstütztes Reflektieren in der LehrerInnenbildung. In J. Pauschenwein, E. Krainz & L. Michelitsch (Hrsg.), Innovation & Reflexion – Henne oder Ei? Tagungsband zum 19. E-Learning Tag der FH JOANNEUM am 23.09.2020 (S. 103–115). Verlag der FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH.
- Rachbauer, T. (2020). Der Lernort Wald als analoges Erlebnis mit digitalen Angeboten – Ein Workshop zu Digitaler Bildung und BNE. Blog der Heidelberg School of Education: Fokus Lehrer*innenbildung. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T. (2020). Look at yourself. Ein kleiner Leitfaden zur (Selbst)Reflexion mit dem E-Portfolio. Hochschuldidaktik-online. Blog Kategorie: Lehrmethoden. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Birnkammerer, B., Günther, S., Müller, C., & Rachbauer, T. (2020). Handreichung: Online-Prüfungen - so geht's! Transferforum Didaktik-Technik (Di-Tech) Expertinnen- und Expertengremium für Online-Lehre an der Universität Passau. (Co-Autorin)
- Birnkammerer, B., Günther, S., Müller, C., & Rachbauer, T. (2020). Arbeitspapier. Digital gestützte Prüfungsformate. Transferforum Didaktik-Technik (Di-Tech) Expertinnen- und Expertengremium für Online-Lehre an der Universität Passau. (Co-Autorin)
- Birnkammerer, B., Bumberger, T., Günther, S., Hackl, T., Müller, C., Pflugbeil, F., Rachbauer, T., Schwarz, U. & Simon, T. (2020). How-To Erstellen von Studierendengruppen in Stud.IP. So geben Sie mit Stud.IP Studierenden die Möglichkeit zur Teamarbeit in der Online-Lehre. Transferforum Didaktik-Technik (Di-Tech) Expertinnen- und Expertengremium für Online-Lehre an der Universität Passau. (Co-Autorin)
- Birnkammerer, B., Bumberger, T., Günther, S., Hackl, T., Müller, C., Pflugbeil, F., Rachbauer, T., Schwarz, U. & Simon, T. (2020). Didaktische Handreichung Schnellstart: Online-Lehre! Transferforum Didaktik-Technik (Di-Tech) Expertinnen- und Expertengremium für Online-Lehre an der Universität Passau. (Co-Autorin)
- Birnkammerer, B., Bumberger, T., Günther, S., Hackl, T., Müller, C., Pflugbeil, F., Rachbauer, T., Schwarz, U. & Simon, T. (2020). Didaktische Handreichung für Studierende - Packen wir's gemeinsam an! Transferforum Didaktik-Technik (Di-Tech) Expertinnen- und Expertengremium für Online-Lehre an der Universität Passau. (Co-Autorin)
- Rachbauer, T. (2020). Corona: Die Schule geht online mit der digitalen Lernplattform „Primolo“. Blog der Heidelberg School of Education: Fokus Lehrer*innenbildung. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T. (2020). Reflexionsfähigkeit fördern mit E-Portfolios – Ein Begleitseminar an der Universität Passau. Blog der Heidelberg School of Education: Fokus Lehrer*innenbildung. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T., & Rachbauer, M. (2020). Die „A-Learning-Werkstatt“: Ein Schulungsprogramm für den Einsatz digitaler Medien im Sachunterricht. Digital Learning Map (Co-Autorin).
- Rachbauer, T., & Rachbauer, M. (2020). Die „A-Learning-Werkstatt“: Ein Schulungsprogramm für den Einsatz digitaler Medien im Sachunterricht. e-teaching.org. Portalbereich: Aus der Praxis. Themenbereich: Digitale Medien im Lehramtsstudium. (Co-Autorin). (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T. (2019). E-Portfolios als Instrument für Selbstreflexionsprozesse in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Implementierung von E-Portfolios in der universitären Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung. Reihe: Pädagogische Professionalisierung und Schule. Praxis-Forschung. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT Verlag.
- Rachbauer, T., & Rachbauer, M. (2018). Die gute alte Schnitzeljagd im digitalen Zeitalter. Mit der Instant-QR-Code-Methode in 30 Minuten zur vollständigen Unterrichtssequenz. In bildung+ schule digital 2018 (Co-Autorin).
- Rachbauer, T., & Hansen, C. (2018). Reflektieren? Worauf und Wozu? Arbeiten mit dem E-Portfolio – ein Reflexionsinstrument für die LehrerInnenbildung am Beispiel der Universität Passau. e-teaching.org. Portalbereich: Aus der Praxis. Abgerufen von http://bit.ly/e-portfolio_lehrerbildung (Co-Autorin). (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T., & Rachbauer, M. (2018). Das Konzept der Regenbogenschule VS Laab hinsichtlich E-Learning und Einsatz digitaler Medien im Unterricht . IMST-NEWSLETTER, 15(46), 9-11. Abgerufen von https://www.imst.ac.at/app/webroot/files/ueber_imst/oeffentlichkeitsarbeit/Imst_newsletter_46.pdf
- Rachbauer, T., & Rachbauer, M. (2018). Winkelmaße in der Winkelgasse – ein Mathematikprojekt mit magischer Wirkung. IMST-NEWSLETTER, 15(45), 25-27. Abgerufen von https://www.imst.ac.at/app/webroot/files/ueber_imst/oeffentlichkeitsarbeit/imst_newsletter_45.pdf
- Rachbauer, T. (2017). Von der Zeichnung mit einem Trick zum Film – Zeichentrickfilm. Digitales Dino-Daumenkino – Es war einmal vor langer, langer Zeit… L.A. Multimedia, 2, 40-42.
- Rachbauer, T. (2016). Die Moodle-Sterne- und Planetenschule. Ein virtueller Streifzug durch unser Sonnensystem. L.A. Multimedia, 4, 40-43.
- Rachbauer, T. (2016). Europa auf einen Klick! Eine WebQuest-Expedition durch die Europäische Union. L.A. Multimedia, 2, 14-17.
- Rachbauer, T. (2016). Winkelmaße in der Winkelgasse – ein Mathematikprojekt mit magischer Wirkung. Mit Tablet-PC oder Smartphone auf digitaler Spurensuche – eine zauberhafte Winkel-Rallye in Schulgebäude und Schulgarten. L.A. Multimedia, 1, 40-43.
- Rachbauer, T. (2016). Entwicklung eines E-Portfolio unterstützen Seminars zur Förderung der Reflexionskompetenz pädagogischer Professionals. In J. Mägdefrau & H.-S. Fuchs (Hrsg.), Neue Konzepte in der Lehrerbildung. PAradigma. Beiträge aus Forschung und Lehrer aus dem Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Fach- und Hochschuldidaktik. Universität Passau, 82-95. (Peer-Reviewed)
- Rachbauer, T. (2015). Gesundheit in Schulen schulen. Mit Social Media Gesprächsanlässe schaffen. Wie ein Ausflug zu einem Bauernhof den Schülerinnen und Schülern „langweiliges“ Gemüse schmackhaft machen kann. L.A. Multimedia, 4, 20-23.
- Rachbauer, T. (2015). Außerschulischer Lernort und alle machen MI(N)T Die Adventure-Learning Collection – eine auf der E-Portfolio-Methode basierende Online-Lernumgebung für die Primar- und Sekundarstufe. L.A. Multimedia, 3, 38-41.
- Rachbauer, T. (2015). Geschichtsunterricht außerhalb des Klassenzimmers erleben. Mit dem Smartphone, Google Maps & QR-Codes Spuren der Vergangenheit suchen, finden und präsentieren. L.A. Multimedia, 2, 17-20.
- Rachbauer, T. (2015). Zusammen sind wir Klasse! Heterogenität macht Schule. L.A. Multimedia, 1, 6-8.
- Rachbauer, T. (2014). Der interaktive Schulgarten – Grüner Lernraum mit multimedialer Ausstattung. L.A. Multimedia, 4, 14-17.
- Rachbauer, T. (2014). Das CMS eZ Publish in Theorie und Praxis: Theoretische und praktische Einführung in die Arbeit mit dem Content Management System. Igel Verlag
- Rachbauer, T. (2014). Moodle in der Wolke! Alle Daten von überall erreichbar. L.A. Multimedia, 3, 26-28.
- Rachbauer, T. (2014). MINT-Bildung mit WebQuests – eine „coole“ Sache! Jugendliche mit der WebQuest-Methode für Technik und Naturwissenschaften begeistern. L.A. Multimedia, 2, 22-25.
- Rachbauer, T. (2014). Forschendes Lernen mit digitalen Medien! Eine abenteuerliche Spurensuche lange, lange vor unserer Zeit. L.A. Multimedia, 1, 22-25.
- Rachbauer, T. (2013). Ein E-Portfolio macht Schule! Mit der Online-Lernplattform eXc(at)libur auf abenteuerlicher Reise in das Zeitalter der Ritter und Burgen. L.A. Multimedia, 4, 23-26.
- Rachbauer, T. (2013). Das E-Portfolio im Bildungskontext. Zusammen planen, umsetzen und präsentieren statt gemeinsam einsam lernen – das E-Portfolio für die Ne(x)t Social Media Generation. L.A. Multimedia, 3, 6-9.
- Rachbauer, T. (2013). Das E-Portfolio im Bildungskontext: Anforderungen, Potenziale, Grenzen und Gefahren beim E-Portfolioeinsatz. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag.
- Rachbauer, T. (2009). Adaption von E-Learningsystemen - Moodle im Vergleich zu anderen Open Source Learning Content Management Systemen. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag.
- AI in your daily work: Take advantage of the possibilities of artificial intelligence! One-day SkiLL event at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (26 March 2025)
- AI in your daily work: Take advantage of the possibilities of artificial intelligence! One-day SkiLL event at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (12 February 2025)
- Keynote on the topic: AI Folios: Revolution or Risk? A critical look at the integration of AI in academic teaching at #DigiPH8 AI sets us free, humans remain! (31 January 2025)
- Panel discussion: AI is free, humans remain! Is that really the case? #DigiPH8 AI sets us free, humans remain! (30 January 2025)
- Young AI researchers present: Keynote lecture by Dr. Tamara Rachbauer, MA, BSc and Johannes Graup titled: Digital Literacy and AI Literacy in Teacher Education on 21 January 2025. as part of the lecture series Young AI researchers present, with the support of the Digitalisation Hub of the University of Passau (21 January 2025)
- Keynote lecture and workshop on the topic: AI in school and university education as part of the Pedagogical Day at the Tassilo Grammar School in Simbach am Inn (20.11.2024)
- Workshop for trainee teachers: Using GenAI assistants in everyday seminars at primary school at the Inntal Middle School in Simbach am Inn (05.11.2024)
- Hybrid teaching goes higher education institutions! Teaching learners on site and via video conferencing at the same time. 2-day workshop with self-learning phase at the PH Weingarten as part of the programme coordination of the university didactics department PHBW (21.06.2024-12.07.2024)
- Implement e-portfolio and reflection work at the University of Passau in seminars and lectures using the KI-Folio and AI-supported feedback: Workshop at the LMU Munich on the topic of ePortfolio with AI use (23.05.2024)
- Organisation of the GSP conference on 19-20 February 2024 at the University of Passau and those responsible for the working group on exam coordination. The conference for primary school pedagogy and primary school didactics at Bavarian universities serves as a forum for exchanging information on developments in the subject at Bavarian universities, on the design of the subject and on how the subject is presented to the outside world. The spokesperson for the February 2024 conference is Professor Christina Hansen from the University of Passau.
- Keynote speech and interview on the topic: ‘Questionnaire and photo documentation: the path from data collection to analysis – an introduction to the basics of quantitative and qualitative social research’ at the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) 19 -22, 2024, Big Island, Hawaii - Teaching and Career Prospects for Computational and Societal Sustainability in the Era of Anthropozoic Climate Change at the Johannes-Gutenberg-Gymnasium Waldkirchen (20.01.2024)
- Keynote lecture and interview on the topic: AI in scientific work: potentials, opportunities and challenges at the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) Feb 19-22, 2024, Big Island, Hawaii - Teaching and Career Prospects for Computational and Societal Sustainability in the Era of Anthropozoic Climate Change at the Tassilo Simbach Grammar School (Jan. 19, 2024)
- Impulse lecture and discussion on the topic: AI in scientific work: potentials, opportunities and challenges as part of the Pedagogical Day at the Leopoldinum Passau Grammar School (10.01.2024)
- Short format EinfachDidakTisch: Interview with experts on the topic: But they're not coming at all! Is high-flex teaching the answer to the attendance problem? at the HDA Hochschuldidaktik (02.11.2023)
- fnma talk with a focus on: experiences with AI in teaching. Expert interview on the topic: The KI-folio or AI-supported feedback with large language models (18 October 2023)
- Hybrid teaching goes university! Teaching learners on site and via video conference at the same time. 2-day workshop at the TU Darmstadt as part of the programme coordination for university didactic continuing education & consulting (06.09.2023-27.09.2023)
- Hybrid teaching goes university! Teaching learners on site and via video conference at the same time. 2-day workshop at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Centre for University Didactics (07.07.2023-28.07.2023)
- Workshop on the topic: ‘Digital Scavenger Hunt – with the Instant QR Code Method to a Complete Teaching Sequence in 30 Minutes’ as part of the Lehr:Markt organised by the Heterogeneity and Diversity Division of the Teacher Education Centre at the University of Passau (17 June 2023)
- Hybrid teaching goes university! Teaching learners on site and via video conference at the same time. 1.5-day workshop at the TU Berlin (02.06.2023-16.06.2023)
- SCHILF at the primary school in Waldkirche: keynote speech and workshop on the topic: ‘Digital scavenger hunt – with the instant QR code method, a complete teaching sequence in 30 minutes.Using QR codes, smartphones, etc. to search for clues, crack knowledge puzzles and, at the end, there is a solution word as a finder's reward.
- Competency-based assessment with e-portfolios – Using e-portfolios as a formative and summative assessment tool in blended learning formats. Three-part LEHRE+ university didactics course at the University of Passau (03.03.2023-17.03.2023)
- Video presentation on the topic: From Digital to Spatial Turn in Holocaust Education? (Re)Locating Remembrance and its Requirements and Opportunities for Media Education as part of the Akita International University Research Week 2022, online event (25.11.2022-05.12.2022)
- Video presentation on the topic: Internationalization@home. Promoting virtual mobility - an online group experiment as part of the Akita International University Research Week 2022, online event (25.11.2022-05.12.2022)
- Presentation on the topic: The e-portfolio as a formative and summative examination tool as part of the ‘Prüfungscafé’ at DHBW Karlsruhe, online event (10 November 2022)
- Short presentation on the topic: The e-portfolio as a formative and summative examination tool as part of the project (EdCon) to establish a competence centre for electronic forms of examination at the DHBW Karlsruhe, online event (03.11.2022)
- Train the Hybrid-Teacher - how to make hybrid teaching work. Consulting tools for e-consultants. Three-phase hybrid workshop for e-consultants at LMU Munich as part of PROFiL - the LMU teaching qualification programme (05.10.2022-12.10.2022)
- Hybrid teaching – future model or didactic nonsense? 1.5-hour online Zoom event together with colleague Dr. Ulrike Hanke, www.hochschuldidaktik-online.de (28 September 2022)
- Conference on the future of teacher training - Institute for Chemistry Education (uni-giessen.de) on 5 and 6 September 2022 in Leipzig with the support of the Joachim Herz Foundation. Poster presentation on the topic: Digital education in schools (05.09.2022-06.09.2022)
- Teaching Day on Thursday, 30 June 2022 at DHBW Karlsruhe in cooperation with the Mosbach and Mannheim campuses, face-to-face event under the theme: Testing put to the test. Lecture on the topic: The e-portfolio as a formative and summative assessment tool (30.06.2022)
- HyFlex - maximum flexibility for students. 1.5-day workshop at the LMU Munich as part of PROFiL - the LMU's teaching qualification programme (21.06.2022-28.06.2022)
- Continuing professional development at the Hans-Carossa-Grundschule Passau-Heining: Speaker on the topic: A desire for digitalisation with portfolios & co - Get to know the variety of digital teaching/learning methods and tools for teaching (focus: education for sustainable development) in primary and secondary schools (30.05.2022)
- Hybrid teaching goes university! Teaching students on site and via video conference at the same time. 1.5-day workshop at the LMU Munich as part of PROFiL - the LMU's teaching qualification programme (10-31 May 2022)
- Speaker on the topic: Presentation of the cooperation project between the government of Lower Bavaria and the University of Passau: Digital education in teacher training. at the conference of the BdB and the speakers' network in Lower Bavaria (09.05.2022)
- Birthday party and conference of the Bavarian Competence Centre for Distance Examinations at the TU Munich. Presentation of the funded project: Interdisciplinary use of e-portfolios and open-book exams (21 April 2022)
- Hybrid teaching goes university! Teaching students on-site and via video conferencing at the same time. 1.5-day workshop at the TU Berlin (23 March 2022-01 April 2022)
- eLecture: digi.folio eLecture 4: ePortfolio-supported reflection (15 March 2022)
- Workshop on E-Learning 2022 (WEL 2022) HTWK Leipzig - Poster presentation: The ePortfolio as a formative and summative assessment tool (10 March 2022)
- E-Portfolios as a formative and summative assessment tool. 1.5-day workshop at the LMU Munich as part of PROFiL - the LMU's teaching qualification programme (08.03.2022-29.03.2022)
- Keynote lecture on the topic: Fancy digitalisation? Get to know the variety of digital teaching/learning methods and tools for teaching in primary and secondary schools as part of the online network - Die NetzwerkerInnen (26.01.2022)
- Hybrid teaching goes university! Teaching students on site and via video conference at the same time. 1.5-day workshop at the LMU Munich as part of PROFiL - the LMU's teaching qualification programme (20.01.2021-10.02.2022)
- e-Prüfungs-Symposium, the online conference on 25 November 2021. This year's topic: Electronic testing in times of pandemic - Poster presentation: The e-portfolio as a formative and summative testing tool (25.11.2021)
- 4th practical and networking workshop on examination didactics: E-learning portfolios as a formative and summative examination instrument. Expert input and workshop. Bavarian Competence Centre for Distance Learning Examinations (09.11.2021)
- Hybrid teaching goes university! Teaching students on site and via video conference at the same time. 1.5-day PROFIL seminar at the LMU Munich as part of PROFiL - the LMU's teaching qualification programme (27.10.2021-17.11.2021)
- VDW-Tagung 2021 Connective Cities for a better world? Zur Re-Figuration des sozialen Raums unter der Perspektive der Nachhaltigkeit: Co-responsible for coordination and organisation (21.10.21)
- Online self-learning course on the topic: Teaching simultaneously in person and online – how does teaching succeed in this hybrid or blended synchronous format? in collaboration with Ulrike Hanke, Hochschuldidaktik online (27 September 2021)
- Digital Memory – Digital History – Digital Mapping at the University of Graz (Austria): From the digital to the spatial turn in Holocaust education? Media pedagogical requirements and possibilities of a digital localisation of memory (22-24 September 2021)
- 20th E-Learning Day 2021 at the FH Johanneum on the topic: How do we learn in online groups and online networks? – What works better online and what works better face-to-face? Lecture Internationalisation@home as part of the 20th E-Learning Day (22.09.2021)
- ZLF Conference on the topic of Future Educational Opportunities: From the Digital Gap to the Adaptive Learning Environment - Inclusive Opportunities of Digital Learning Worlds. Talk: From the Digital Gap to the Adaptive Learning Environment. Inclusive Opportunities of Digital Learning Worlds (15.09.2021-17.09.2021)
- Online conference on the topic of diversity Digital Thinking – The Wider View – Poster presentation: Hybrid-Flexible and Blended Synchronous Learning – Proven didactic concepts and methods thought out digitally – Promoting learning in and with heterogeneous groups – a practical example from university teaching (08.09.2021-10.09.2021)
- Community Working Group on examination formats and scenarios in digital higher education of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (March to June 2021)
- Online teaching with Moodle and Zoom - Mix it up! Online training at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg University of Popular Music and Music Business on how to skilfully implement online teaching with Moodle and Zoom Part 3 (25.03.2021)
- Online self-learning course on the topic: Teaching music digitally and online? This is how it works (not) only in times of Corona in cooperation with Ulrike Hanke, Hochschuldidaktik online (11.03.2021)
- Moodle-Empowerment - What Moodle can do! 6-day online training at the Johanniter Akademie (16.02.2021-18.02.2021 and 23.02.2021-25.02.2021)
- Online teaching with Moodle and Zoom - Mix it up! Online training at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH University of Popular Music and Music Business on the topic of online teaching with Moodle and Zoom - Part 2 (21 January 2021)
- Participants in the dialogue and expert forum e-teaching.org goes teacher training: Internet offers for digitisation in teacher training recommend and get to know (19.01.2021)
- Online teaching with Moodle and Zoom - Mix it up! Online training at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH University of Popular Music and Music Business on the topic of how to implement online teaching with Moodle and Zoom skilfully - Part 1 (16.12.2020)
- Open Work Hub (OER-Lab in IG 107) of the Teacher Education Centre (ZLF) at the University of Passau on the topic of online teaching: Equipped for the worst-case scenario: How can face-to-face phases be skilfully replaced with Zoom? Successfully designing synchronous online teaching with Zoom! (15 December 2020)
- Online self-learning course on the topic: Examinations and performance assessments in online teaching in collaboration with Ulrike Hanke, Hochschuldidaktik online (24 November 2020)
- 4th Day of Digital Teaching 2020. A cooperation project of the University of Regensburg, OTH Regensburg and the Working Group on Digitisation and Teaching of the Bavarian Academic Forum (BayWISS) Virtual conference under the motto #onlinetogether: The e-portfolio as a formative and summative online examination tool. Information sheet on the topic of digital assessment as part of the 4th Day of Digital Teaching (28.09.2020-30.09.2020)
- 19th E-Learning Day 2020 at the FH Johanneum on the topic of Innovation & Reflection: E-portfolio-supported reflection. (virtual) workshop as part of the 19th E-Learning Day (23.09.2020)
- Virtual teaching and online teaching - Mix it Up! A 5-day blended learning online training course at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Freiburg on the topic (virtual) teaching and online teaching skilfully combined. (31.08.2020-05.09.2020)
- Digital Summer 2020. Workshops for educational professionals. A cooperation project of the districts of Regen, Passau and Rottal-Inn. Speaker at Workshop IV: Digital teaching #lesson design #digital school (26 August 2020)
- DiTech-Cyber Café: Designing webinars and online seminars with Zoom from a technical and didactic perspective (webinar) (09/06/2020, 18/06/2020)
- DiTech-Cyber Café: Implementing portfolio work in ILIAS with the learning objects portfolio template, portfolio, blog and exercise (webinar) (08.05.2020, 28.05.2020, 04.06.2020)
- DiTech-Cyber Café: Synchronous and asynchronous online teaching: combining them in a meaningful way (Stud.IP/ILIAS/ZOOM) using the example of the online course ‘Introduction to academic work’ (23.04.2020, 24.04.2020, 07.05.2020)
- Open Work Hub (OER-Lab in IG 107) of the Teacher Education Centre (ZLF) at the University of Passau on the topic of E-portfolios – Part 3: Trying out the e-portfolio tool ILIAS live on site (03.03.2020)
- Open Work Hub (OER-Lab in room IG 107) of the Teacher Education Centre (ZLF) at the University of Passau on the topic of e-portfolios – Part 2: Presentation of various e-portfolio tools with a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of Mahara, Moodle and Ilias (07/01/2020)
- Workshop for trainee teachers at the University of Passau: E-portfolios and digital media in schools! Get to know e-portfolios in combination with (digital) teaching and learning methods and tools and test them live on site (28 November 2019)
- SCHILF 2 at the Hans-Carossa-Grundschule Passau-Heining: Speaker on the topic: Get to know e-portfolios and e-portfolio methods in practice. Get to know Primolo as an example of e-portfolio tools as well as evaluation criteria and evaluation grids for e-portfolios and learn how to use them (21 October 2019)
- 3rd Day of Digital Teaching 2019 with the focus on subject-specific digital teaching at the OTH Regensburg / University of Regensburg: Get to know and test the e-portfolio accompanying seminar developed and successfully introduced at the University of Passau. Workshop at the University of Regensburg as part of the 3rd Day of Digital Teaching (25 September 2019)
- SCHILF 1 at the Hans-Carossa-Grundschule Passau-Heining: Speaker on the topic: Get to know e-portfolios and e-portfolio methods in theory. Reasons and potentials for using e-portfolios in primary school lessons (18 February 2019)
- Moderation and keynote speech: Lust auf Digitalisierung at the St.-Georg-Schule (primary and secondary school) in Bad Aibling: Speaker on the topic: Getting to know the diversity of digital teaching/learning methods and tools for teaching practice and trying them out on the spot (21.11.2018)
- Symposium on 27-28 September on the topic of counselling and (self-)reflection in teacher training at the University of Vechta: Speaker on the topic: Reflecting? Why and on what? Justifications and framework conditions for (self-)reflection in teacher training through a curriculum-based portfolio concept at the University of Passau (28 September 2018)
- Skills workshop as part of the Lehr:werkstatt during the school/internship year at the University of Passau: Speaker on the topic: Advantages of using media in practice – trying out the variety of digital tools live on site (20 April 2018)
- SCHILF 2 at the Joseph-von-Eichendorff primary and secondary school: Speaker on the topic: Advantages of media use in practice – the variety of digital tools – various possibilities in the classroom with platformssuch as Moodle, CMS, Wiki & Co in combination with different learning methods such as e-portfolio method, WebQuest method & QR codes in practice (03.04.2017)
- SCHILF 1 at the Joseph-von-Eichendorff primary and secondary school: speaker on the topic: Advantages of using media in practice – the variety of digital tools – different possibilities in teaching with platformssuch as Moodle, CMS, Wiki & Co in combination with different learning methods such as e-portfolio method, WebQuest method & QR codes in theory (06.03.2017)
- Learntec 2017: Session topic at school@LEARNTEC - Moodle, WebQuest and QR codes – try out the variety of digital tools live on site (25 January 2017)
- eLecture: eLecture Focus on Tablets: Angular Dimensions in the Winkelgasse - Using a tablet PC or smartphone to search for digital evidence (Virtuelle PH) (23.05.2016)
- eLecture: eLecture: Moodle ePortfolio to go Part 2 - How to create an ePortfolio-based Moodle course step by step (Virtuelle PH) (09.05.2016)
- eLecture: eLecture focus on tablets: Learning at out-of-school places in primary and secondary education 1 (Virtuelle PH) (02.05.2016)
- eLecture: Moodle-ePortfolio to go – Success to go (Virtuelle PH) (08.02.2016)
- Learntec 2016 : Talk at the school@LEARNTEC forum - learning scenarios with Moodle. Moodle-ePortfolio to go - Success to go (28 January 2016)
- eLecture Focus on Tablets: Exploring the Museum as a Place of Learning with Tablets & QR Codes (Virtuelle PH) (14 December 2015)
- digi.comp eLecture: E-Portfolio - Method or Software? (Virtuelle PH) (28 September 2015)
- digi.comp eLecture: Designing and implementing an e-portfolio-based seminar with ILIAS (Virtuelle PH) (21.09.2015)
- digi.comp eLecture: Using the e-portfolio method in teaching - Determining the framework and resources (Virtuelle PH) (14.09.2015)
- digi.comp eLecture [plus]: Designing and implementing an e-portfolio-based seminar – step by step (Virtuelle PH) (10.08.2015-17.08.2015)
- digi.comp eLecture [plus]: Teaching history outside the classroom – Using a smartphone, Google Maps and QR codes to search for, find and present traces of the past (Virtuelle PH) (27.07.2015-03.08.2015)
- KidZ eLecture: eXc@libur, an e-portfolio-based online learning environment to accompany teaching on the subject of The Age of Chivalry (Virtuelle PH) (19 May 2015)