Sophia Pöcheim
Sophia Pöcheim

Phone: +49 (0)851 509-4419
Room: HK14d 408, 4. Floor
Adress: Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 14 d, 94032 Passau
Office Hours:
During the semester:
Online via Zoom or in the Office - Appointments can be arranged by e-mail.
Contact Person
- Internationalisation of Teacher Training
- (Compulsory) Excursions
- Internships Abroad
- Certificates of Specialisation
Research Areas
- Internationalisation and professionalisation of teacher education
- Teaching and learning research in German as a foreign and second language
- Teaching in (linguistically) heterogeneous, mixed-age and inclusive settings
Practical Experience
- Member of the teaching staff in a class team in an inclusive multi-level class (grades 1 to 4) in Vienna, Austria
- Teacher at the Universidad de Congreso, Insituto Intercultural in Mendoza, Argentina
- Teacher at a primary school in Vienna, Austria
- also teaching experience in German as a Foreign Language in Krakow and Warsaw, Poland
Academic Career
since April 2022
- Graduate teaching and research assistant at the Chair of Education with a focus on diversity research and educational spaces of middle childhood at the University of Passau, Germany
October 2021 to April 2022
- External teaching assignment at the Chair of Primary Education at the University of Passau, Germany
2019 to 2022
- Higher Education Institution for Speech Therapy at the Church Pedagogical University Vienna/Krems, Austria
Title of the final thesis: ‘Multilingualism in speech therapy. Correlations between speech therapy needs and first language’
2013 to 2017
- Master's degree in German as a Foreign and Second Language at the University of Vienna, Austria
Title of master's thesis: ‘Phonetics in foreign-language German teaching. The teaching of suprasegmental elements and the consideration of listening skills in selected teaching and learning materials on phonetics’
2010 to 2013
- Bachelor's degree in Teacher Education Programme for Primary Schools at the University of Education Vienna, Austria and Göteborgs Universitet, Sweden
Title of the bachelor's dissertation: ‘Bilingualism. The effect of bilingual education on language acquisition’
Special acceptance for credit of the innovative content of the bachelor's dissertation, taking into account the current research focus of the University of Teacher Education Vienna – supporting school development through research and evaluation related to the professional field
Performance-based scholarship for the bachelor's programme at the University of Teacher Education Vienna
- Hansen, C., Rutter, E. & Pöcheim, S. (2023): Diversität und Inklusion - Curricula-Analyse Lehramt (2022). In: A. Schnider, M.-L. Braunsteiner, I. Brunner, C. Hansen, B. Schober, C. Spiel (Hrsg.): Pädagoginnenbildung. Evaluationen und Analysen. Be+Be-Verlag: Heiligenkreuz, S. 491-530.
Pöcheim, S. & Marchhart, M. (2023): Mehrsprachigkeit in der Sprachheilpädagogik. Korrelationen zwischen sprachheilpädagogischem Förderbedarf und Erstsprache. In: MitSprache: Fachzeitschrift für Sprachheilpädagogik, 55 (2023) 1, S. 5-25.