Students.Heterogenity.Inclusiveness.Potential (SHIP) - a blended intensive programme of Masaryk University Brno, the University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems and the University of Passau
The focus of the ‘Students.Heterogeneity.Inclusiveness.Potential (SHIP)’ project, developed in cooperation with Masaryk University Brno, the Church College of Education Vienna/Krems and the University of Passau, is the theory-practice-linked examination of the concept of inclusive gifted education from an international comparative perspective.
SHIP is designed as a so-called ‘Blended Intensive Programme’ (BIP) and, as such, combines digitally supported learning activities of student teachers in multilateral teams with intensive face-to-face phases. A central element of the BIPs is the mandatory virtual component, which enables preparation and follow-up of the content of the short mobility phase. It promotes exchange in an international context and collaboration across national borders. The participating students have the opportunity to contribute different perspectives and experiences and learn from each other.
Within the framework of a hybrid course structure, students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge, learn about best practices, work together on solutions, and develop their professional and personal skills. The virtual phase of the trilaterally designed course covers topics such as diversity, heterogeneity, social inclusion, and inclusive talent development. During the on-site phase, students sit in on various schools, get to know the educational environment in the partner countries and can apply the knowledge they have already acquired. Reflection sessions are scheduled on site and after the excursion to support further discussion on the analysis, understanding and anchoring of the acquired knowledge and experiences from different school environments.
The BIP addresses challenges of international mobility, for example through financial support and credit transfer for assessments taken abroad, and sustainably integrates mobility phases into the studies of teacher education students. Regular cooperation within the framework of the programme offers a variety of advantages for both lecturers and students. Lecturers benefit from continuous exchange, while students can deepen their intercultural skills through recurring international contacts. In addition, the BIP serves as a basis for the initiation and further development of joint research projects between the participating higher education institutions. This not only promotes scientific cooperation, but also strengthens the research capacities of the partner institutions.
Summer semester 2024: Passau students will visit Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, together with colleagues from the Czech Republic and Austria in the BIP programme SHIP with the topic ‘Inclusion and Heterogeneity in an International Context’.
From 13 to 17 May 2024, twelve primary school teacher training students had the opportunity to travel to Brno in the Czech Republic for a week as part of the ‘Blended Intensive Programme’. In the second round of the BIP, in which the topic ‘Inclusion and Heterogeneity in an International Context’ was again addressed, the students were accompanied by Kathrin Plank and Sophia Pöcheim. Together, the international group visited various schools and reflected on their experiences. The supporting programme also allowed the students to explore the second largest city in the Czech Republic and to get to know each other better.
Including teacher training from an international perspective – Sophia Pöcheim and Kathrin Eveline Plank visit Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic)
In October 2023, the two employees of the Passau Chair of Education with a focus on diversity research and educational spaces for middle childhood, headed by Vice President Christina Hansen, were able to take up an invitation from Masaryk University in Brno.
Together with colleagues Ivana Juzová and Lucie Procházková, the stay was used to consolidate and further differentiate the existing cooperation between the two institutions.
In addition to a guest lecture and several workshops for international and Czech students, a number of strategic meetings were planned. Among other things, the second mobility phase in the BIP cooperation project of both universities was planned and conceptual work on ongoing application procedures was further advanced.
Summer semester 2023: Passau students will visit the KPH Vienna/Krems together with colleagues from the Czech Republic and Austria as part of the BIP programme SHIP with the topic ‘Inclusion and Heterogeneity in an International Context’.
From 22 to 26 May 2023, nine primary school teacher students went to Vienna for a week as part of the ‘Blended Intensive Programme’. Prior to this, the group, led by Sophia Pöcheim, had already networked virtually with students from the KPH Vienna/Krems and the Masaryk University Brno and worked on the topic of ‘Inclusion and Heterogeneity in an International Context’.
The international group observed classes in various schools in Vienna and were able to gain first-hand experience of different school models, teaching methods and support services for heterogeneous groups of school pupils. They were able to apply the knowledge they had already acquired to observe various aspects of the inclusive educational environment in a structured way.
Joint reflection sessions were held both on site and following the excursion.